Sad News

03/05/2006 1:29 pm
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Hall of Famer Puckett suffers stroke
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
03/06/2006 @ 06:43:23 PM
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Kirby was taken off of life support.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
03/06/2006 @ 08:41:39 PM
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The Sad gets Sadder
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3875 Posts
03/06/2006 @ 09:25:23 PM
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The 1987 Series is my earliest sports memory, and the 1991 Series is my best. Kirby was my favorite player and even a hero to me (and many others) growing up. Though his image may have been tarnished a little by his off the field actions recently, nothing can take away the joy he brought, and the love of baseball that he imparted on so many just by the way he played the game.

He will be missed.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
03/06/2006 @ 09:48:11 PM
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We waited in line all morning (and by that I mean 6 hours easy) for his autograph at the Mall of America a long time ago. On the way out of Sears (where he was) after getting ours we saw that the line went basically the entire way around the mall. We heard later that when he found out how many people there were left Puck signed until he could basically not physically sign anymore. (Even though everyone knew exactly what times the players were starting and ending at.)
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
03/06/2006 @ 09:50:48 PM
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Also after the 1991 Series I watched the "Official World Series" tape about 129083 times and listened to "We are the Champions" on a continuous loop for about a month.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
03/06/2006 @ 10:26:07 PM
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My first trip to the Metrodome was for a Twins-Brewers game probably sometime around 1993ish. There were two special "Kirby" memories at this game. First, during pregame stuff, Kirby was playing catch in right field and was occasionally throwing balls into the stands for the kids with the gloves. Well, the kids weren't doing so well catching the balls he was throwing. My sister and I were along the right field line where the stands kind of hang over the field. After about 3 unsuccessful attempts at getting a fan to catch a ball, Kirby looked at my sister (probably about 12 or 13 years old) and said "Can you catch?" My sister replied "Yes" and Kirby threw her the ball and she caught it. From that day on, despite being a Brewer fan, Kirby became her favorite player, and probably still is to this day.

Later on in that game, Kirby hit a walk off homerun in the 9th inning during a tie game. At that point, Kirby became my least favorite player of all time. Well, not really. I guess if some lame Twins player was going to rob me of seeing the Brewers win for the first time in person, I guess Kirby was a worthy assailant.

Likewise, it is truly sad that the actions off the field can indeed tarnish an image that undoubtably brought so much joy to many a young boy. While the actions can deal a crushing blow to how we perceive our heros, the memories of the guy that could do no wrong will always be what we remember the most.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
03/06/2006 @ 10:59:58 PM
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I think Batgirl says it as well as anyone could.

Good-bye, Kirby Puckett
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jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
03/07/2006 @ 07:32:15 AM
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I've tried to formulate in my head the words I wanted to say about this, but it's just not that easy. I think most of us who grew up as Twins fans could just sit at the computer and type about Kirby all day, so it's hard to condense all those feelings into a few sentences.
For now, I'll just say that it was a privilege to grow up, and to be a fan of the Twins, while Kirby played.

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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
03/07/2006 @ 10:03:29 AM
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The '87 series is my first sports memory as well, and Puckett was hands down my hero for my entire childhood. For some reason I actually remember where I was in all the pivotal times, and I don't ususally remember that stuff. I remember being proud when I heard he signed the biggest contract ever (for something like 3 million a year). I remember watching Sportscenter the morning after he got hit by Martinez. And the '87 series couldn't have been more dramatic in my house. I was 7 and my brother was 12, so basically we hated each other more than at any other time in our lives. And he and my dad were both huge Cardinals fans. When the Twins won, I was a 6 year old that finally had something on my brother, and it was probably the greatest day of my life up to that point.

My mom called me this morning after she heard about Kirby on the Today Show. My mom could care less about baseball or sports in general, but she loved Kirby Puckett.
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