Texas, etc.

01/04/2006 11:40 pm
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If you weren't able to watch the Rose Bowl, you missed quite the show. Not only was it a total exciting game, but Vince Young put on one of the best performances I've ever seen. I'm not even sure Vince Young was tackled more than like twice during the game. Probably he was, but it didn't seem like it. He threw for a ton of yards and ran for a ton of yards, but I think if he just decided to run every time, he could have scored about 10 touchdowns. They just didn't look like they could stop him. I'm not big on piling on the hype machine, whatever it happens to be at the given moment, but Vince Young played the game soooooooooooooooooooooo well. If there's a chance the Packers can possibly get him at 5 in the draft (good luck) they have to take him.

Great finish to a great Bowl season.
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
01/04/2006 @ 11:55:06 PM
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As I understand it He's about 75% sure he's not even entering the draft.
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2887.gificbeast - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
01/05/2006 @ 01:17:34 PM
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He was great, but USC hasn't exactly been known for their defense. And at least before the game he was leaning way towards not entering the draft. I'm not sure if he'll change his mind now. I don't think the Packers should use that pick to draft a QB. 2 young QBs on team without a proven veteran is no good, and I think they need to give Rodgers a chance. If Young does enter the draft, and if he were still around by the 5th pick, the Packers should trade it because I'm sure there will be plenty of teams willing to pony up at that point.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
01/07/2006 @ 03:09:47 PM
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vince Young's family is poor, he already has a National Championship title, and he's a sure bet to go in the top 5 if he enters the draft. I got my bets that he will turn pro. Also, Vince Young will not be available with the number 5 draft pick. I bet he would go 3rd overall behind the guys from USC. If Young does enter the draft however, it would most likely leave AJ Hawk open at the number 5 pick, which would be a good thing for the Packers who could use a shutdown defensive player like Hawk. However, I would not be against the Packers picking Young if he's available. But it would be another 1st round pick that wouldn't help immediately. I'm just glad I don't have to make that decision.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
01/07/2006 @ 03:15:32 PM
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Young would be the right pick for the Packers at 5. I just don't think he'd be there at 5, please don't let him be there at 5.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
01/07/2006 @ 03:26:54 PM
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Why would Young be the right pick? Jon and Jeremy have said they would have to take him if he's available and Scott you say you'd be okay with it. Why!? What would they do with Rodgers then? Can Vince start as a rookie? Does Rodgers start until Vince is ready? Certainly if Vince is available with the 5th pick, someone should take him. Probably someone who wanted to trade their 2006 first, 2006 second, 2006 third, and a second round pick in the 2007 draft.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
01/07/2006 @ 03:36:20 PM
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I think you take the best available player when you are picking anywhere in the top 5 or 10, generally. I don't think there are many people who would rate Aaron Rodgers higher than Vince Young. I would like to see the Packers take a defensive Player (not a cornerback or saftey though), but I don't think I could really argue with picking Vince Young. Again, I'm glad I don't have to make that decision.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
01/07/2006 @ 08:25:14 PM
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If that were the situation you would just write Rodgers off. You know, just write him off. To me it would be a no brainer, especially when factoring in a mostly new staff that doesnt have any personal "I drafted hiim so I have to prove he wasn't a bust" kind of situation going and I could see them doing it. To me the only option they have if Vince is there is trade down, get an extra good pick and take a guy they wanted anyway.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - We can do this easy, or we can do it real easy
01/08/2006 @ 09:53:53 AM
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If they didn't take Young at 5, we'd be laughing at you 10 years later like we laugh at all the rest of the Packer's bonehead draft moves. They'll probably take a kicker at 5 anyways.

It's moot anyways because he'll never get past the Saints, Titans AND the Jets.
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
01/11/2006 @ 04:03:09 AM
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As long as the Packers don't use bad logic and draft a different player than the best talent available ONLY because they already have someone of that position, they're fine. Trading is acceptable as long as they get actual value.

As for the rest of what I want to say about college football. Isn't their system for replay about a million times better than the NFL? it hardly disrupts the game at all.
They missed the thing about the knee that one time which was pretty bad, but overall I found it much more enjoyable. Plus since they could seemingly review every play, it would appear that it is more fair also. Both leagues should change the whole "next play" rule at least so extra points don't count as a play.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
01/11/2006 @ 08:38:38 AM
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Agreed, a vastly superior system. What is the speed difference anyway? The fact that they bring stuff to the ref and the review is done by people upstairs?
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newalex.jpgicbeast - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
01/11/2006 @ 01:26:05 PM
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I agree, the college system is way better. I can't believe they missed the knee call though in such a big game. I don't remember any other games I watched this year where they missed something that obvious.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
01/11/2006 @ 01:34:57 PM
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I don't think the knee thing was even that bad. It looked very close, but when you look at the reply, it is really hard to tell when exactly the ball is no longer in the possession of Young. The ball and his hand are in a blur when his knee is touching the ground. Replay may or may not have overturned that call. But I agree with the replay system. Much better than the NFL.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
01/11/2006 @ 01:55:46 PM
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I dont know if it's true or not because I almost never watch college football but supposedly all USC had to do was call timeout.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
01/11/2006 @ 03:00:05 PM
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That's possibly true. Also, the replay used during the Bowl Games was not in play for the entire college season. The Big Ten and I'm sure some other conferences used replay, but I think each conference had a different set of rules.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
01/11/2006 @ 06:49:14 PM
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Most of the conferences that used it had the Big Ten rules. I know one conference though had more of an NFL style challenge system. USC shouldn't have to call timeout to get the play reviewed. That's part of what I like about the college system. There's no penalty for the refs calling the wrong thing in the first place. You don't lose a timeout, you don't lose a challenge, the call just gets fixed and you don't get screwed.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
01/12/2006 @ 06:06:18 PM
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I swear, if the Vikings steal one more Wisconsin guy I think I'm just going to explode. They'll probably find someway to draft Calhoun now too. Man, leave our state alone;)
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
08/23/2013 @ 09:45:34 PM
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 "I'm not big on piling on the hype machine, whatever it happens to be at the given moment, but Vince Young played the game soooooooooooooooooooooo well. If there's a chance the Packers can possibly get him at 5 in the draft (good luck) they have to take him."
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Jon screwed with this at 08/23/2013 9:46:56 pm
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/25/2013 @ 08:27:13 PM
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This thread has actually been interesting to read now that we know how the vents of the last 7 years have transpired. The Packers drafted Hawk, which I predicted, and Young was drafted 3rd, which i also predicted, but apparently everyone was wrong about Rodgers and Young, based on some comments made on this thread. And the Vikings have continued stealing guys with Wisconsin ties, whether through the draft or through free agency. This was like a blast from the past type of blog.
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Scott edited this at 08/25/2013 8:31:32 pm
newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
08/25/2013 @ 09:22:57 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 08:27:13 PM
but apparently everyone was wrong about Rodgers and Young, based on some comments made on this thread.

Hold up. I was going to comment before then decided to take the high road, but you've forced my hand.

icbeast Wrote - 01/05/2006 @ 01:17:34 PM
He was great, but USC hasn't exactly been known for their defense.

Young's career passing rating is lower than Ty Detmer's

icbeast Wrote - 01/05/2006 @ 01:17:34 PM
and I think they need to give Rodgers a chance.

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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Nutcan.com's MBL
08/26/2013 @ 03:57:06 AM
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Pretty good call by icbeast. I wish he was still around. Other than myself, he was the most insightful Page 3er/Nutcanner there was.
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Matt screwed with this at 08/26/2013 3:58:53 am
scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
08/26/2013 @ 01:20:47 PM
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Alex Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:22:57 PM
Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:27:13 PM
but apparently everyone was wrong about Rodgers and Young, based on some comments made on this thread.

Hold up. I was going to comment before then decided to take the high road, but you've forced my hand.

I didn't mean that everyone as in "everyone", but that the collective sports world mijudged Young's career outlook, and I was basing it on this comment that I made:

Scott Wrote - 01/07/2006 @ 03:36:20 PM
I don't think there are many people who would rate Aaron Rodgers higher than Vince Young.

But regardless, good foresight by Alex, and good predictions by me!
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Scott perfected this at 08/26/2013 1:21:17 pm
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