Good News For Carl

08/24/2005 12:16 pm
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His #2 overall pick will actually be playing this year.

jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
08/24/2005 @ 01:55:24 PM
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Anyone wanna guess how Javon feels right now?
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
08/24/2005 @ 04:51:01 PM
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That's a totally different story. Not related in anyway.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
08/24/2005 @ 07:27:30 PM
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The Packers are totally overpaying here. I can only assume that the contract is heavy on the backend and they don't plan on keeping him for 7 years. He's really not that good.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
08/25/2005 @ 04:35:21 PM
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Why don't you ask how TO feels too, while you're at it. I'll bet Brett Favre is to blame for this, all his sticking his nose into other people's business and all. Just ask the host of Quite Frankely. I doubt Javon's feelings are any different. Javon had a contract, Bubba didn't. If Javon is upset by this, then he's a lot dumber than I thought. I think icbeast is right, although it works out to average $4mil per year, which was less than $2mil more than what the "transition" tag would have given him. I think Franks gripe was that he didn't want a 1 year contract. So in conclusion to that thought, I don't think they are really overpaying him.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
08/26/2005 @ 04:45:00 PM
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Who is little Juan? is it Jon? and if not, someone tell Jon to join the league
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
08/28/2005 @ 10:46:31 AM
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Little Juan = Jon
Don't forget the draft is tomorrow night, we'll get the points thing hammered out by tonight hopefully.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/28/2005 @ 04:58:11 PM
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Here's the scoring, draft accordingly.

Passing Yards (40 yards per point)
Passing Touchdowns (6)
Interceptions (-2)
Rushing Yards (10 yards per point)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)

Receptions (.5)
Reception Yards (10 yards per point)
Reception Touchdowns (6)

Return Yards (20 yards per point)
Return Touchdowns (6)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)

Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (3)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (4)
Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards (-2)
Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards (-1)
Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards (0)
Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards (0)
Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards (0)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Point After Attempt Missed (-1)

(Team D)
Sack (2)
Interception (3)
Fumble Recovery (3)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (4)
Block Kick (3)
Return Yards (20 yards per point)
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (6)
Points Allowed 0 points (14)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)
Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)
Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)

(D Player)
Tackle Solo (0.5)
Sack (2)
Interception (3)
Fumble Force (2)
Fumble Recovery (3)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (4)
Pass Defended (1)
Block Kick (3)
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/28/2005 @ 05:08:23 PM
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Right now fractional points is on.

So for example a 19 yard rush gets you 1.9 points rather than 1.

Let us know how you feel about that. I think I prefer it off.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
08/28/2005 @ 10:04:25 PM
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I prefer it off, personally.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
08/28/2005 @ 11:17:44 PM
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What's the point to having it off? If we're going to be all worried about making things "more fair" by increasing points for yards, isn't having fractional points an obvious extension of such thinking? What is the reason for not wanting it on?
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
08/29/2005 @ 05:54:39 AM
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I say keep it on.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/29/2005 @ 07:25:03 AM
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The reason I PREFER it on, I don't really care, is that the "Oh! If [name player here] ran for one more yard I would have gotten another point" factor is a part of fantasy football as far as I'm concerned.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
08/29/2005 @ 07:26:19 AM
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Correction...I prefer it off.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/29/2005 @ 01:04:09 PM
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I would support random drug tests for everyone in the league. I don't want no performance enhancing drugs defacing the league.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
08/29/2005 @ 06:34:08 PM
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last of 13
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
09/04/2005 @ 11:23:13 AM
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Yaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy!!! The Packers finally dropped Hunt like he was hot!!! And more importently, the Badgers won!!!! And they might actually have an offense this year!!!
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
09/05/2005 @ 01:19:10 AM
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It's kind of official. Today was Wisconsin's day for ESPN's 50 states in 50 days and the poll had baseball being Wisconsin's favorite sport and the Brewers being Wisconsin's favorite sports team. Weird.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
09/05/2005 @ 01:25:11 PM
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Baseball? I kind of don't believe that at all. I saw the thing about Hunt and I am very happy. He's been bad news. Jerry Rice retired. I don't know what to think about that. He just kind of faded away and didn't end on a high note. He would've been the bronco's 4th or 5th receiver. I guess you can go out anyway you want to, but I am not sure if that's how I would want to go. The Badgers- how crazy was that game? 35-35 at the half? Wow.
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
09/05/2005 @ 10:01:13 PM
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I have no problem with great players sticking around past their prime. Y does everything have to end on a high note? So he retired as a number 4 receiver on a team he never played in the regular season. Big whoop. He's still the best receiver ever.

I can believe baseball. It's not so big up by you peeps, but then again neither is the population. I think the Brewers and baseball in general are probably a lot bigger in the southern half of the state. If they were still realisticly in the wild-card hunt, they'd probably get 30,000+ a night. They've just been so bad for so long that by the time football starts everyone has given up on the Brewers for the year.

Plus, if you go back say to the pre-Favre era, the Packers were on about a 30 year suck streak. I had a whole couple pages full of Robin Yount, Greg Vaughn, and Darryl Strawberry cards before I even bought a pack of football cards.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
09/06/2005 @ 03:40:02 PM
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I personally am a bigger Brewer fan than I am a Packer fan.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
09/06/2005 @ 04:52:51 PM
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Well football cards are less popular period, it's not nessesarily a reflection on the popularity of a sport.

The Vikings signed Koren Robinson today, I fail to see the logic in dealing a largly media created "distraction" and then picking up a guy, at a position you have depth at, who showed up to his DUI hearing drunk.

But of course he got help for it so it's forever locked away in the vault of things people aren't allowed to talk about and should consider never happened.
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
09/06/2005 @ 06:26:37 PM
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football cards ARE less popular? People still collect sports cards?
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
09/07/2005 @ 12:22:52 AM
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I didn't check this but if I remember, I think Robinson showed up to his one day jail sentence drunk, not his hearing.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
09/07/2005 @ 05:24:12 PM
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ah the neverending bitter sarcasm

Brett Favre
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