Fantasy Scoring

08/18/2005 11:49 pm
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Scoring is being discussed on the fantasy football page.

I'll Move this discussion here since I don't think anyone check the league page and we need to get it settled.
jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
08/18/2005 @ 11:49:49 PM
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I know some people don't like it, but I've always been a fan of earning points for receptions.

Also, I'd like to address the topic of yds/point. Even though 20 has been pretty standard in the leagues I've played in (although so has a point per reception), I feel somewhat that it is a bit too much of a margin between scoring levels. I'm just throwing out an idea here, but how would you guys feel about maybe 1pt. per 10 yards? The main difference is that it would devalue touchdowns a bit, and thus someone who rushed for a hundred yards would get ten while someone who got 3yds and a td would get six. (compared to the 5pts. to 6pts. under the current scoring system) I just feel like a touchdown is more like worth 60yds rushing than being equivalent to 120yds rushing.
This change would also create some tangible difference between the guys who rush for 83 and the guys who rush for 97. Tell me what you think.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
08/18/2005 @ 11:50:23 PM
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by: Dewey Defeats Truman (teenymatson) Aug 17 11:40am
1 point for 10 rushing/rec yards
6 point for rushing/rec td's

1 point for 25 passing yards
4 points for passing tds

That is somewhat of just a suggestion.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
08/18/2005 @ 11:51:43 PM
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in the end were all under the same scoring. we just have to settle it now, no changes after draft day.

i agree that a 120yard day is way way better than a 5 yard one td day.

the problem then becomes one back running for 129 yards vs one who has 11 yards rushing one td and 4 receptions for 12 yards.

maybe we get rid of one point per rec and go one point per 5 rec yards. that would have kind of the same effect but would weed out the rb who caught 3 screen passes and went no where
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
08/19/2005 @ 10:40:17 AM
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So just for clarifications sake Jeremy, do you agree with the 10yds. per point? Or is it in theory or both or glaven.

Yeah the running back's receptions kind of throws things for a loop. I kind of like the idea of a point per 5 yards but I think that would end up putting a lot of comparative weight on receiving yards then and it might throw off the balance between positions.
Here's another proposal (not necessarily a counterproposal, just one more thing to consider), a half point per reception? It still does benefit a player who catches a pass for negative yards, but then again a reception is somewhat noteworthy. I dunno, I ust thing there's something to be said for when a receiver catches a lot of balls, even if he doensn't lead the league in yards. But maybe the rest of you feel differently. Let's discuss.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
08/19/2005 @ 11:48:12 AM
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1 pt per 10 sounds good to me. My logic behind the point per 5 rec yards instead of 1 per rec and one per 10 yards is that the reason we did the one point per rec was to try and balance out runningbacks and recievers. Well generally if a wr catches a pass it's for at least 5 yards. So they really don't have to do anything other than catch it to get at least one point. A rb has a better chance of catching it for no gain, which wouldn't get them anything, unless they did something good with it, in which case they deserve the point anyway.
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question_mark.gifThe Commissioner (Guest)
08/19/2005 @ 02:23:22 PM
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Last year I went along with Jon's 1 pt per reception and I didn't like it. However, since I am fair, I will let all of my minions battle this out, just give me the details so I can input it all.

Play Ball!
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
08/19/2005 @ 02:57:11 PM
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.5 point per reception, 1 pt per 15 yards. The fact remains that racking up yardage does not win games, scoring points does. Also 4 points for a passing TD is ridiculous.
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
08/20/2005 @ 11:31:30 AM
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But that whole yardage not as good as td thing is really only valid for team statistics. Just because an individual player didn't score the td doesn't mean the team was unable to score. Or that the player didn't do 90% of the work to get there. For individuals, yardage is still the best indication of performance.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
08/21/2005 @ 08:55:08 PM
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I don't feel like doing HTML, but here is the link, I already contacted them, hopefully they will contact me as well.

p.s. these bobbleheads are selling like hot cakes

Matt- get going on ur letter, asap
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matt.jpgMatt - 3991 Posts
08/23/2005 @ 03:07:59 AM
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Bobble, bobble, promo hobbled
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