Supreme Court

07/19/2005 5:35 pm
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Dubs will announce his choice for the new Supreme Court justice later tonight.

I had a few thoughts on this.

1) I've read many places that he should choose a woman because he's replacing a woman. I don't think that's very fair. He should just pick the best person he can for the job, be it Male, Female, Black, White, Asian, Monkey, Judge, Lawyer, Professor ect.

2) I've read many places that he should try to pick another "swing voter", or that he should pick the person who's going to swing the abortion issue in the other direction. I think he should pick someone that can look at something fairly and objectively and screw the party line.

3) As far as the abortion issue is concerned, why is that the only issue that anyone ever talks about? We should appoint someone to a lifetime position based on how they will vote on one issue? This issue is THAT important? (Although if he did choose someone to stop abortion he would be fufilling a campaign promise of sorts, so it would be a plus in that sence) Can someone answer this for me: Is there a time limit between decisions once a vote has happened on something before you can vote again? Can Roe v Wade or anyother decision be contested at anytime? How does that work?
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
07/19/2005 @ 09:06:06 PM
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I'm not entirely sure either, but I'm pretty sure they can't just re-decide a previous case. What I think they would/could do is decide to hear a new case that someone would bring that argues the same topic and decide that case. In the case of abortion, some state would pass a law outlawing or restricting abortion, someone would challange the law in court and it would work its way up to the Supreme Court.

At least that is how I think it would work.
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2887.gificbeast - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
07/20/2005 @ 01:19:17 PM
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Did anyone else claim their free 8 dollars from PayPal?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/20/2005 @ 04:35:38 PM
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Well, a big launching pad for the resurrgence of the gay-marriage issue was a reversal of the Texas Sodomy Law back in 2003, which stated that 2 men cannot live together if they were found to be gay. That issue was decided some 20 years earlier, but brought back up because 2 men, who in the midst of being busted for drug possession (or something like that) were found out to be gay and living together and arrested for it. Now that was a case of an incident being brought back to the Supreme Court and the decision being reversed. Is that all it would take. Maybe a husband or boyfriend or sister or mother of a woman trying to get an abortion would protest it and bring it back to the courts, and thus end up back in the Supreme Court? Frankly, I hope the abortion issue gets resolved and all, but I'm confused how this idea will happen.

Brewers are 2 games under .500.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/21/2005 @ 07:09:50 AM
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Will someone please shoot drew Rosenhaus for me. He is ruining football for a lot of people. He does not even like football. In fact, I think his actions show that he clearly hates the game, and 100% of his concern is that he can make money on players who he can manipulate into holding out. GET OUT OF THE FREAKING GAME YOU MORON.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/21/2005 @ 07:11:00 AM
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I think that should be the first case heard by the Supreme Court when the New Justice is sworn in; kick Drew Rosenhaus out of the NFL, (maybe even America)
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
07/21/2005 @ 10:08:34 AM
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Although I don't like blogs being twisted into entirely new subjects, let me just say that if Javon Walker wanted to, he could play. Drew Rosenhaus is only carrying out what javon wants already. I know he's got powers of persuasion and all and Walker, to my knowledge, is not extrememly bright, so in that way rosenhaus holds responsibility, but it's good to remember that the player ultimately decides.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4645 Posts
07/21/2005 @ 05:23:03 PM
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I say *expletive* them all. I'm sick of Rosenhaus, he's such a jack a. Walker doesn't realize the whole "there's no i in team." quit being all whiny and blah blah blah. he had one good year, that's it. he has two years left on his contract. I don't even know what else to say or how to word what I want to say, that's how mad I am. i keep reading these articles and it just makes me madder and madder. Like today, Walker isn't going to play if he doesn't get a new contract. He wants a new contract or he wants to get traded. Let'em go I say.
Family Fun night is August 5th, and if Walker isn't there that's quite alright with me.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
07/21/2005 @ 05:26:52 PM
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I agree, but there was no threat of hold-out until Rosenhaus entered the picture. I think when the season starts, Walker will be there to play, because I think he really does want to play, but he is being stupid for holding out. I'm not taking all the responsibility away from Walker, but look at Rosenhaus's list of clients and the number of hold-outs. I just hate holdouts, and if it weren't for stupid agents, there would be a lot less hold outs. Rosenhaus said today that "It's OK for Tom Cruise to make $50 million a movie? But a guy who risks his life can't get paid a decent wage?" Risks his life? $800,000 isn't a decent wage? This is a sport, a game. How many people have died playing football. I think more people die from fishing then from football. This guy should be an agent for the Military, not football. This is what I'm talking about. Walker could play and practice if he wants to, (and I think he will be there when the season starts), but Rosenhaus is interested in the players interest to play. He is only interested in the interest of money.

I think Favre SHOULD call up D.R. and tell him to meet him in a dark alley somewhere, and Favre should show up with his O-Line. That ought to set Drew straight.

Brewers just split a 4 game series with the Cardinals. The Brewers are ending a 66 game stretch where they played 38 of those games on the road. They stretch ends this weekend against the NL worst Reds. If the Brewers can take 2 of 3 or better from the Reds, they will be 1 game under or 1 game over .500 to end that stretch. Like someone said earlier, the Brewers are only 7 games out of the Wild-card behind Atlanta. Should the Brewers pull off a miracle finish and come close to making the Playoffs, this series against the Cardinals proves that they are capable of competing in a 5 game series. WOOOO!!! Geoff Jenkins is also on a 14 game hitting streak. His BA is .279, but from about .210 from about 1 month ago. Lookout MLB, the Brewers are cooking
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
07/21/2005 @ 07:25:31 PM
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The agents work for the players. Javon could be there if he wants to be.

Drew did just rescue a 4 year old boy who was drowning. He gave him CPR and literally saved his life.

If this were one year from now i would be the Packers begging Javon to tear up the deal and sign long term.

Obviously we could all feed our families on 800K a year, but in that rhelm 800 is not really all that great.

Maybe nobody has died but seeing ex vikings at various functions the long term health ramifications are quite evident.

Basically it comes down to figure out what you would charge for your ability to walk like a normal person, then spread that over a 5-8 year period.

Also Drew doesnt get a cent if he doesnt broker a new deal, so advising Javon not to play without a new deal doesn't nessisarily mean he wont play without a 10 year 400 million dollar deal.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
07/21/2005 @ 08:05:20 PM
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I take issue with Walker asking to be traded, but I think he's definetly earned a raise. I'll be upset if I don't get a phat raise at the end of this year. When someone clearly out performs his contract (that can be nullified at pretty much any point by one of the parties), I think it's fair for him to ask for a raise. I mean think about. Dollar for dollar Walker was probably the best bargain in the entire league last year, at least for receivers. And it was a break out year, not a fluke. So I think it's fair for him to ask for a raise. Also, football in and of itself is a game, but really this is Javon's job and it's a business, like it or not. And this whole thing is none of Favre's business. If he has a personal relationship with Walker and wants to discuss it with him in private that's fine, but I don't think he's helping things by saying what he has said. The Packers should just ditch Hunt, pony up for Walker, and get on with training camp. Because as I've previously discussed with Jeremy, I'm predicting maybe a 9-7 year with Walker, and about a 6-10 year without Walker. It would be a wise investment for the Packers.

It's fairly well documented that football players generally feel like crap for the rest of their lives.
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2887.gificbeast - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
07/21/2005 @ 08:09:22 PM
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Also, as far as the original topic goes, I think if someone appeals their case up to the Supreme Court, the Court has the choice to re-examine any issue at any time. For the most part though they tend to just build on previous decisions. And I'm pulling this completely out of my rear so I may be way off here, but that's what I think.
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matt.jpgMatt -'s MBL
07/21/2005 @ 08:21:11 PM
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Changing topics... two quotes from Australian Prime Minister John Howard. The first one is from a week or so ago

MAXINE McKEW: Prime Minister, if as you say you can't rule out that possibility that we could have potential bombers right here in Australia, what if today's announcement, this redeployment to Afghanistan and our continued presence in Iraq is all the provocation they need?

JOHN HOWARD: Maxine, these people are opposed to what we believe in and what we stand for, far more than what we do. If you imagine that you can buy immunity from fanatics by curling yourself in a ball, apologising for the world - to the world - for who you are and what you stand for and what you believe in, not only is that morally bankrupt, but it's also ineffective. Because fanatics despise a lot of things and the things they despise most is weakness and timidity. There has been plenty of evidence through history that fanatics attack weakness and retreating people even more savagely than they do defiant people.

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matt.jpgMatt - 3915 Posts
07/21/2005 @ 08:38:43 PM
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And the second quote from this morning after the repeat bombings in London (where he was meeting with Tony Blair).

PRIME MIN. HOWARD: Could I start by saying the prime minister and I were having a discussion when we heard about it. My first reaction was to get some more information. And I really don't want to add to what the prime minister has said. It's a matter for the police and a matter for the British authorities to talk in detail about what has happened here.

Can I just say very directly, Paul, on the issue of the policies of my government and indeed the policies of the British and American governments on Iraq, that the first point of reference is that once a country allows its foreign policy to be determined by terrorism, it's given the game away, to use the vernacular. And no Australian government that I lead will ever have policies determined by terrorism or terrorist threats, and no self-respecting government of any political stripe in Australia would allow that to happen.

Can I remind you that the murder of 88 Australians in Bali took place before the operation in Iraq.

And I remind you that the 11th of September occurred before the operation in Iraq.

Can I also remind you that the very first occasion that bin Laden specifically referred to Australia was in the context of Australia's involvement in liberating the people of East Timor. Are people by implication suggesting we shouldn't have done that?

When a group claimed responsibility on the website for the attacks on the 7th of July, they talked about British policy not just in Iraq, but in Afghanistan. Are people suggesting we shouldn't be in Afghanistan?

When Sergio de Mello was murdered in Iraq -- a brave man, a distinguished international diplomat, a person immensely respected for his work in the United Nations -- when al Qaeda gloated about that, they referred specifically to the role that de Mello had carried out in East Timor because he was the United Nations administrator in East Timor.

Now I don't know the mind of the terrorists. By definition, you can't put yourself in the mind of a successful suicide bomber. I can only look at objective facts, and the objective facts are as I've cited. The objective evidence is that Australia was a terrorist target long before the operation in Iraq. And indeed, all the evidence, as distinct from the suppositions, suggests to me that this is about hatred of a way of life, this is about the perverted use of principles of the great world religion that, at its root, preaches peace and cooperation. And I think we lose sight of the challenge we have if we allow ourselves to see these attacks in the context of particular circumstances rather than the abuse through a perverted ideology of people and their murder.

PRIME MIN. BLAIR: And I agree 100 percent with that. (Laughter.)

This guy gets it.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
07/22/2005 @ 07:47:29 AM
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If these guys do indeed holdout and choose not to play during the regular season (I think Walker will play once the season starts, however), than it confirms one huge thing about the character of these players: They love money more than they love the sport. They are more interested in getting paid well than they are about winning. If Walker holds out and does not play this season, (the Packers will NOT give in) than I will never believe him if he says that he loves the sport he plays. It's that simple. If you love the game enough, you'll play no matter what you get paid. I also think that Favre has earned the right to say whatever he wants, especially when it comes to one of his top teammates deciding not to play. I would question his leadership if he didn't say something. 14 years, 3 MVP, 6 years 30 td's, 4 times leading the league in TD's, 0 holdouts. Walker: 3 years, one year with more than 30 catches, 1 1,000 yard season, holding out. Something doesn't add up.
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jon.jpgJon - 3416 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 10:57:20 AM
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I've more or less come to this conclusion over the last few years or so. I don't buy the whole, "they play a game for a living" argument one bit.

Yes, it's a game to us, but it isn't to them.
I suspect there's very little leisure or recreation involved in the whole process for them. I know they have fun along the way, but most of them are probably preoccupied with things like keeping their jobs and finding the balancing point between pushing their body and breaking their body.

As for Javon Walker specifically, I think it's an interesting case. (This gets long, but stay with me here) 515,000 dollars (Walker's contract salary for this year) is a lot of money in almost every respect. But let's face it, the next game he plays could be his last game. It sounds over dramatic, but not when it's your career. And if an injury isn't career ending, it could very well be "prime ending" and in that case he never gets close to his previous production.

Personally, I see Walker's career as one with about three or four years like last year and then he drops off. It happens all the time with wide receivers. So, he's going to want to max out for the next four years to the point where he can live off that money for the rest of his life. Now it sounds greedy and unreasonable to want to earn your life's earnings in a few years in your twenties. But, I'm reminded that Javon Walker didn't quite score too well on the Wonderlic test. Let me propose to you that expecting Javon to "fall back" on a second career of say, the average college graduate, is as unlikely as any of us falling back on a career as a professional athelete. And that's not a cut on Walker and I could be wrong, but that's how I would break it down from where I see it.
He probably won't end up in the poor house if he doens't get a raise, but nothing is guaranteed to him either. He's trying to get a little insurance while he can I guess.

I'm not trying to say Walker is a saint or even that I think he should hold out or that he shouldn't. I just think it's an interesting case.

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sarah.jpgSarah - 4645 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 02:49:16 PM
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Athletes are given a gift, they get the privilige of playing sports because of it. I'm not saying there isn't a lot of hard work put into it, but not everyone can be an athlete. It is a business, but it is also something that not everyone can do, but everyone is a little envious of those who are involved. I have to work 40 years, these guys only have to work about 15. They chose that, and they have to realize the consequences of it. Their bodies are going to break down faster, and they may not have income later on in life, but then they should invest in their 401(k) or Roth IRA. It's still a lot of money and people can easily live off of it if they don't go all hollywood on themselves. Anywho, enough with my incoherent ramblings.

I heard today that the Twins are thinking about optioning Morneau to AAA. Where are your precious dingers now boys???

Oh, and I'm sure Jon already knows this, but Switchfoot is playing at the MN state fair. What a sweet gig for you, but maybe not for Matt.
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jon.jpgJon - 3416 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 03:26:47 PM
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About switchfoot, I didn't know they were playing at the fair. However, we're not working at the fair this year either.

About morneau, sending him to AAA would be about the stupidest thing they could do at this point. He isn't doing that poorly and relative to the rest of the minnesota offense he's Babe fricking Ruth.

About the other stuff you wrote, I think it supported what I wrote earlier.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 04:17:54 PM
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For the record (in case you all haven't figured this whole thing out): I rarely take the side of individual players when their interest conflict with the best interest of the team they play on. If I thought the Packers were simply screwing Walker, then I would probably think differently, but that is not the case. I can understand Walker's case, but given that the Packers have made it clear that they are not going to renegotiate (at least not this year, it happens all the time where a team will throw away the last year of a players contract and renegotiate, but not more than that), and that they are having problems elsewhere trying to sign other players (the Packers are being bit by the cap), Walker needs to understand that the teams needs and interests are more important. I've never thought of it the way Jon stated it, interesting perspective; and you make some good points.

in review: I really don't think the Packers are trying to screw Javon Walker.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
07/22/2005 @ 05:21:45 PM
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I think Jon copied that post from one of mine on the packers insider message board.

I think what people forget about sports, especially football, is it's not like the players show up at 11:30 Sunday mornings play for 3 hours and then go home.

As QB4 once said, "You get paid for the practices, the games you play for free"

As for what Sarah said

1) The fact that not many people can do what they do is exactly why they get paid what they do and have the leverage they do.

2) Yeah you have to work 40 years, but you also make good money sitting behind a desk, don't you think a 45 year old woman that's been working the Kwik Trip register for 25 years might be envious of you?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
07/22/2005 @ 05:46:23 PM
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Javon for Ronde Barber?

I think I would have a good laugh at that, although in the immediate future the Packers might be better off how many years does Barber have left?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 06:00:19 PM
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props on the "not using Favre's name" in your post, jeremy.

go Brewers......

I'm so bad it's back
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 06:05:48 PM
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TO says he will be at camp. Maybe this will influence Walker at all. TO actually has a clause in his contract that says (more or less) if his behavior is such that he becomes a distraction or his behavior is detrimental, he can be find and/or suspended by the Eagles. That's weird.

Brett Favre
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 06:07:16 PM
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Hey Matt,

Can you "recap" the "in" stories for me here
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
07/22/2005 @ 06:27:19 PM
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I am for the team as well. It shouldn't be about me, me, me. The team has to stay under the cap, and it can't happen if everyone wants a new contract every other year. Wait your turn. There seems to be certain protocol, e.g. throw out the last year of a contract. You have to work as a team.
Anyone could get my job with the right schooling. Not everyone is athletic, becoming an athlete is more selective.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 06:56:25 PM
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The team concept in professional sports is quite possibly the biggest joke ever, especially when you're talking about the transition between seasons in the free agent era. I don't think it's worth my time to even elaborate, ya'll know it's true.

There are lots of people who can't afford your schooling, and of those that can there are plenty who would never be able to complete it, and even of those who did there would be some who couldn't find a job that put to use that schooling.

There aren't a lot of professional athletes who just woke up one day and decided to be a baller. Athleticism is a more selective gift, but most professional athletes have dedicated a massive amount of time and effort to getting to the level they're at. For every WR that makes it to the NFL, there are probably 20, 1000, maybe more people that had they played football since whenever, pop warner or high school, and spent all that time in the weight room and at practices they could have had a realistic chance to make it to the pros.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3915 Posts
07/22/2005 @ 11:49:25 PM
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This is long, but amusing

Donald Trump, regarding the United Nations' remodeling plan: Senator, congratulations. You've got a mess on your hands.

Trump and the United Nations have egos that are roughly the same size, but Trump (unlike the U.N.) can actually back his up with some results.
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2887.gificbeast - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
07/25/2005 @ 07:04:14 PM
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Alex Smith, who has yet to take a single snap in the NFL, just signed a 6-year $51 million deal, with $24 million guarenteed. Yet, Javon Walker, who is still young and is coming off a great season should be expected to play for .555 million? Walker was the 37th highest paid Packer last year (390,000), while the ever underacheiving and oft-injured Robert Ferguson made off with a $3.5 million signing bonus. The fact that the Packers have totally screwed themselves with their contract dealings over the last couple of years is no reason that Walker shouldn't get a well-earned raise.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/26/2005 @ 07:30:27 AM
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ok, so they renegotiate Walkers contract. What handful of players do you suggest they get rid of to make room under the cap? The rest of the o-line? both DT's? I'm not saying that Walker doesn't deserve more money (compared to his teammates) but it doesn't make sense to me to make such a big exception for a player who probably will be a new contract next season anyway.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/26/2005 @ 05:49:51 PM
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Did anyone else see Stephen A. Smith go obnoxiously off on Brett Favre on ESPN or ESPNMotion? Wow, that guy needs to find a new job. I've never seen a black man's face turn red before. I think he went horse just yelling. Wow.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
07/26/2005 @ 07:04:41 PM
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I tend to agree with SAS on this one. Or at least on his main point, maybe not on every detail he was shouting out at the top of his lungs.

Why would he get a new contract next season and not this one? He has two years left.

As for who is overpaid on the Packers, I thought you'd never ask. I don't know if there is anywhere to get this years salaries, but I found last years anyway The cap game is quite messy, but according to this data Favre himself had the 4th highest cap value last year in the NFL. He was surpassed by the unlikely group of Antoine Winfield, Ty Law, and John Tait. Maybe that's why Favre wants this to all go away so people don't start talking about him being overpaid. And actually I do think they should get rid of both DTs. They're not that good and they aren't getting any better so drop em like they're hot and give some younger (ie cheaper) guys a chance. Their defense is going to blow again either way.

If this is not just the most ironical thing I've ever read I don't know what is. Mike Sherman on his heading into the last year of his contract, "I think every year in the National Football League you're in a one-year contract and you go out and prove yourself every year." LOL, LMAO, HAHA, LUIH (laugh until it hurts)
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/26/2005 @ 09:10:27 PM
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I consider Stephen A Smith about the least credible person ESPN has on their roster (now that they've got Rush Limbaugh off their payroll). Favre isn't talking about whether or not Walker is underpaid or that he shouldn't care about his contract. Favre wants his best receiver to be on the field and be ready to help his team. Explain to me why Favre is "so out of line" for wanting his best receiver to throw to. I don't think Stephen A Smith likes Favre very much anyway. In his Hulk-like rage about Favre's comments he said something to the extent of "Brett Favre should mind his business, he should worry about Quarterbacking. Nobody talks about his intercep.......(his own rage disallowed him to even pronounce that word). maybe Javon walker would have had even better numbers if Brett Favre hadn't gone out and thrown all those interceptions". While Favre did throw quite a few interceptions last year, what the crap did this have to do with the discussion or the situation. In my opinion, (in this is because I am a fan of sports), if a player is playing a sport (any sport) for the sole purpose of making money (which if what SAS is arguing is right, than that is why Walker is holding out), find something else to do. I don't think George Halas and Curly Lambeau had this kind of crap in mind when they decided to form this league. I have no time for Stephen A Smith.

Favre is a very highly paid player, but he signed that contract many years ago after he proved himself over the course of his career. Javon Walker was practically non-existant for the first 1 and 1/2 of his career. How do we know that Walker won't turn into another Antonio Freeman. Sterling Sharpe held out of training camp one year, and a guy named Robert Brookes stepped up and caught 100 passes. I'm with Sara on this issue. If Walker isn't out there when the season starts, then fine. I would have a hard time cheering for a guy who puts his own interests in front of his teams.

I do think the Packers will drop Grady Jackson before the season starts. He's 32, and they don't need to pay him more than he's making right now. Hunt on the other hand is young, and still has potential. I wouldn't want him gone quite yet. The problem is that Jackson's current contract isn't that big, so cutting him wouldn't free up that much.

To sum up. I don't think Favre really cares about Walker's contract situation. I think he understands that the "contractual" part of the issue is indeed a personal issue. However, I think Favre understands that he doesn't have that much time left, and he wants to win with the team that is best capable of winning, and Walker is part of that team. Favre wants to be able to throw to one of the best recivers in the game.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
07/26/2005 @ 11:15:31 PM
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Your last paragraph is all about what Favre wants. Favre wants a chance at a Super Bowl, Favre wants to have good receivers, Favre speaks out about Walker, Favre this, Favre that. The problem is that Favre has become the Green Bay Packers. What's best for Favre and what's best for the team are not and should not be considered mutually inclusive.

Hunt is a complete bust and has no chance of redeeming himself.

My biggest problem with the whole situation is that the Packers have reportedly not even agreed to have a discussion about Walker's contract. Maybe that stance will work, but I don't like it.

If there were any wide receivers on the roster that had even half the talent of Brooks I wouldn't be so worried about not having Walker. Ferguson will never be better than an oft-injured 3rd receiver so don't even go there.

Also, it's well documented that it usually takes 3 seasons before wide receivers come into their own, so Walker's lack of production the first 1.5 seasons is above average.

Favre may very well deserve his high contract to compensate him for maybe lower salaries earlier in his career, but how do you draw the line between deserving to have a big contract and agreeeing to take a pay cut for the seeming holy grail of "putting the team first"?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/26/2005 @ 11:24:05 PM
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What bothers me the most about this whole situation is that guys like Owens, and Walker (probably influenced a lot by Rosenhaus), is that the NFL is turning into the NBA with the "I'm gonna get mine" attitude. Walker said flat out "there is a small window in the NFL for a player set his life straight. There's no waiting till next year or the year after. It's a brutal business." I have a problem with that, and it is a huge turnoff for the entire sport for me. I want to watch guys who want to play the game, not guys who want to get rich and be done.

One of the reasons I love baseball so much is because of teams like the Brewers who have potential all-stars on their teams getting paid the league minimum. Lyle Overbay was one of the premiere hitter last year leading the league in doubles, and he is getting paid less than $500,000 a year. Chris Capuano has 11 wins already and he's getting paid $325,000 per year. Jason Bay of the Pittsburgh Pirates was last year's rookie of the year and he's only getting paid $325,000. I know that baseball is a very different kind of business that football. Sure the Brewers will get better and players will eventually want to get paid more for what they do, but I love this kind of baseball, and sure football careers average about 3 years in length, but so what. Why ruin the game and your team's chances of winning simply because you wanna get yours. I love knowing that a guy doesn't need to be the highest paid at his position, or that he is playing his sport so that he can retire on it. Well Javon Walker got a $3 million dollar signing bonus when he signed his current contract. On top of the annual salaries he got last year and will get this year, that equals out to $150,000 over the next 20 years. Forget comparing that to what other recievers in the league are making. If Walker is in it to set his life straight, I don't think he's going to have a problem. A majority of Americans get by on much much less than $150,000 a year. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but according to SAS, being "nu school" means being selfish putting personal interests ahead of winning. Boy Javon, wouldn't Vince be proud of you now.

end of rant
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
07/26/2005 @ 11:26:35 PM
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Brewers are 50-51 and 5.5 games out of the wildcard spot!!!!!!!!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/26/2005 @ 11:44:41 PM
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One more thing.......

Geoff Jenkins better be in the running for a gold glove this year. By that I mean, just because he's a Brewer doesn't automatically disqualify him the it has for every Brewer in History except Robin Yount. Jenkins is 2nd in the NL in outfield assists, 1st in all of baseball in outfield double plays, and first in 2 categories called range factor and zone factor among NL outfielders. Range factor calculates the proportion of put outs and assists in comparison with the number of innings. Zone factor calculates the percentage of balls fielded by a player in his typical defensive zone as measured by STATS, Inc. In conclusion, Geoff Jenkins, (who looks a lot like Brett Favre) who is having his best defensive year so far, deserves a straight up or down vote from the senate....wait, i mean he deserves some love at the end of the season by the guys who vote for gold gloves.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
07/26/2005 @ 11:45:15 PM
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How bout just one more.......

just kidding....

I sleep now
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
07/27/2005 @ 01:11:49 AM
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What's best for the Packers is winning, so in this case what's best for Favre is inclusive to what is best for the Packers. There are 2 cases of high profile NFL players taking paycuts late in their careers. LeRoy Butler is one of them, and I think the other one was someone from New England? maybe? But in both of these cases I think it was the negotiation of a new contract where the players accepted less money than their previous contracts in order to make room under the cap for other interests. It also happens where highly paid, high profiled veterans will restructure their contracts to make room on for a certain year, Favre has done that. I'm not saying that Favre is some sort of contract saint. I think Favre is getting paid a lot more than he needs to get paid. But at the same time, I think every pro athlete is getting paid more than he deserves. The only reason I'm not complaining about Favre is because he never complained about his contract. I kind of wish he would take a pay cut, but that wouldn't necessarily guarantee that walker would get what he wants.

Personally, I think Walker will be in uniform before the regular season starts, because if he isn't he won't get paid at all and that would ruin any chance of getting the kind of money he wants.

As far as what Favre wants being what the Packers want. If a player of any stature has the interests of winning (which is what Favre's interests are) that is all that matters. Should the Packers look to please every player that wants more money and sacrifice winning. Sure I think Cletidus Hunt is kind of a bust. He's 29, overweight, skipped summer workouts, the works. But if the Packers are already toying with outting Grady Jackson, all they have left at that position is Dontell Washington who hasn't played a down in the NFL.

I can't sleep

My gripe isn't that I think Walker doesn't deserve more money. In fact, I would not object or be mad in any way if the Packers caved and gave him a new contract. My gripe is that in his attempt to prove to Packer management that he is serious about not playing, he is putting his teammates in a heck of a spot, and hurting their chances of acheiving their goals.
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2887.gificbeast - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
07/27/2005 @ 01:15:06 PM
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Ah yes, the glory of baseball. How can you not love it when teams like the Brewers, Twins, even the A's develop all the young talent, maybe even win some games (not so much for the Brewers in the past), only to have their best players constantly pried away by the teams with 5 times the total salarly. Fantastic!

Jenkins does deserve to be considered for a Gold Glove.

Maybe you are of the opinion that the Packers should plan their roster on a year-by-year basis always with the goal of winning a Super Bowl that year, in which case the team's best interests and Favre's best interests happen to coincide at this point of this career. I'm not saying they should ever give up on a season, but sometimes roster moves need to be made with the future in mind and not just the present.

I actually also think that Walker will end his holdout at some point before the regular season, because otherwise he would be pretty much screwed.

If you want to watch players who want to play the game just to play the game, you can find a few in professional sports but your best bet is to start watching college sports instead. Sure they're are guys there just as self-centered, but there are also a lot of guys who either don't have aspirations of going pro or know their chances of making it pro aren't very good so they just play the game. In pro sports there are maybe a few teams each year that really come together as a team. That's just the way it is.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
07/27/2005 @ 05:46:36 PM
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Some thoughts:

1) As Alex hinted at, using the a small market baseball team as what you like about sports is rediculous. I'm quite sick of rooting for whoever happens to be under red M's/TC's each year.

2) This is their job. They have to earn thier money while they can. IT IS NOT JUST A GAME. What we watch is a game, and I think almost every player plays the games just to play. They get paid for the practices, for the health problems later in life, for the fact that some of them can't get out of shape ever, ect.

3) As far as what is good for the team. The Packers DO need Javon, and a happy one at that. The only times I can think of of a player just going through the motions for the checks in when they're in a contract dispute.

4) The fact that the Packers have pissed away cap space means nothing to Javon, and should mean nothing. He could sign a deal that pays him league min this year and have the prorated signing bonus over 10 years. It could actually gain the Packers cap space, or not lose that many. Every year the Packers are 5 cents under the cap and manage to sign everyone under the sun. There are always tricks to it.

5) Favre may be the leader, but he's a player first. He should back his fellow employee or keep his mouth shut.

6) Antoine Winfield's cap number was huge because rather than a signing bonus he got a roster bonus, so his cap numbers are low for the duration of his contract. Technically he made like 12 million last year.

7) Favre was poised for a holdout before his deal. I forget how it went down exactly, I just know he wanted "Reggie White money" and the Packers thought it wasw absurd.

8) It isn't like walker is 1 year into a 10 year deal. If this were one year from now the Packers would be begging him to tear up the deal.

9) The Packers could negotiate with Walker. Sometimes money is just a pride thing as far as the size of the deal. Daunte's 100 million dollar deal is really worth 40, unless he plays 75% of special teams plays, then he gets a huge bonus.

10) I hear people argue all the time "They should all get paid the same (position/level based)" or they should just get paid based on preformance. The first one is dumb, although it might be a utopian way of doing it (Is communism utopian?) people just don't work that way, no one would be motivated. The second "performance based option is stupid stupid stupid. The last living brain cell argues this. Wide receivers complain about the number of passes how it is and for many of them there is really nothing, other than love of the game, in it for them to catch the ball. I don't even want to imagine the ensuing horror if a catch/TD were worth a certain amount of money to everyone. If every run potentially hurt a QB's paycheck and visa versa. My head hurts just thinking about it. A system like that would only work in baseball where, generally speaking, everyone trying to be selfish and only help themselves helps the team as a result. The system is what it is, an example of supply vs demand at it's finest.
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jon.jpgJon - 3416 Posts
07/27/2005 @ 06:24:35 PM
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I didn't even read every word of all the above comments because for one I get bored and two they're mostly repetitive I imagine.

I'll get in some of my thoughts while the getting is good.

One, I didn't see s. a. smith's thing, but I'm sure I will. I generally think that he is the worst commentator other than skip bayless (it's probably a tie) but if I had to choose a side "javon or favre" I would come down slightly on javon's side. Actually, it's javon's rather than packers side. I mean come on, just negotiate and give him some money. If favre really wants walker out ther and is playing for the love of the game then he'll give javon his money I'm sure.

Two, javon situation is totally different than t.o. Javon is basically making the statement that he won't risk losing all his future earnings for .5 million. T.O. will get seven million this next year unless he sits out. Now, If walker sits out this year he's down .5 mill, which he can make up when he gets a new contract from the pakcers or another team. T.O will likely never make up seven million if he sits out this year. A new contract won't be that much better for him. T.O. sitting out is ridiculous and stupid. Walker's holdout at least makes busdiness sense and is just the kind of move that gm's make every day.

Third, without making a huge argument out of it, the twins haven't actually had a ton of roster turnover over the last few years. And even if they had, doesn't football ahve a ton every year? At least baseball's isn't forced upon the teams by a salary cap that makes no sense. I would take baseball's system over football's any day.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
07/27/2005 @ 09:05:19 PM
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I also seemed to remember talk of holdout with Favre once but when I googled it yesterday I just found his comments about Walker. At any rate, Walker has reportedly reported to training camp and ended his holdout without a new contract. This is supposedly following some conversations between the Packers and Rosenhaus, which I don't know why that took so long to happen in the first place.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/27/2005 @ 10:31:11 PM
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"Tell them I'm coming in"--Javon Walker
Maybe he's not gonna hold out, and maybe now the packers will think about a new contract. This is music to my ears.

Well put Jon, I agree about the TO thing, and most of what you said about Walker's situation. TO doesn't have much to complain about. Walker does, but I still don't like it.

News about Favre's contract signing from 1997 The first multiyear deal Favre got was actually when he was a restricted free agent and New Orleans offered him 5 years for 20million and the packers were forced to match it. I personally don't remember the talk about a hold out, but then again, i'm not a Viking fan (it's a joke). I'm sure it's possible.

I'm not sure where the "the packers can sign everyone under the sun" comment comes from. The Packers lost basically half of one of the best offensive lines in the NFL due to cap restrictions. So the Packers get hurt just like every other team.

I agree with number 10 on Jeremy's list.

As for number 1, it is hard for me as well to see players come and go all the time, but when they are here, I follow them as if they've been here for years. Scott Podsednic, Richie Sexson, Jeromy Burnitz, and now Lyle Overbay are all examples of players that are still on top of my list of players that I really like and still root for. But that's probably just me and not the way most people feel. I still look forward to seeing the day when the Brewers can keep their players even when they do get good.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
07/27/2005 @ 10:35:41 PM
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Oh yeah, Jon, good call on SA Smith. How does this guy still have a job.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
07/27/2005 @ 10:48:22 PM
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All I know is we have lots on then now ex twins bobbleheads. The entire infield is different. I didn't mean to imply it only goes on in baseball, just that the small market baseball teams are glorified farm clubs for the big market teams. It would be that same way in football if it weren't for the cap. There is turnover in every sport but long term in Football you have talent coming and going, not always talent leaving some teams and going to others.

Teams are learning how to deal with the cap and the turnover has lessened. The Vikings are slated to be another 30ish mil under next year.

I'm kind of sad Walker reported since they really need him, but maybe he'll just be there collecting paychecks. Maybe a trade was discussed.

I agree with Jon that lumping Javon in with TO is absurd.

Maybe the trick would be having the Teams pool more money into the account for underpaid players, players that contribute a ton but get paid nothing get a bonus from a community fund. Ultimately any directly preformance based things I think do more harm then good.

Teams like to procrastinate things. They have all summer to sign draft picks and as of now like 3 are signed. They probobly put off the discussion until 5 minutes before he would be officially holding out.
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
07/27/2005 @ 10:59:50 PM
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Just for kicks,
Other than koskie, the twins infiled changed because they all sucked. I only wish there was some sort of salary cap that made us drop rivas from the lineup sooner.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
07/28/2005 @ 07:36:37 AM
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Mark my words on this: Threw at least 2010, the Brewers infield will be a regular everyday thing, from 3rd to 1st: Bill Hall, JJ Hardy, Ricky Weeks, Prince Fielder. How about that.
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jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
07/28/2005 @ 02:39:03 PM
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I doubt it.
First of all, that's not the starting infield NOW, so the streak is already broken. And even if it starts next year, that would be five straight years with the same lineup. One of those guys will probably be a bust and one will probably get traded or something.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/30/2005 @ 08:10:18 AM
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Too bad about Tori Hunter.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
07/31/2005 @ 11:39:02 AM
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This is very interesting to me:

The Sportscenter 50 states in 50 days thing has a poll for each state to ask what people's favorite moments/sports/athelets/etc. for each state. Anyway, I was someone surprised and almost shocked to find out that of the 40,000+ people that have submitted votes for Wisconsin, baseball is the most popular sport, and the Brewers are favorite team in the this state. Damien Miller thinks that if the Brewers could just find a way to have winning season and show some signs of hope, the Brewers could rival the Packers as far as fan support. This was very interesting to me, considering how crazy people are about the Packers. Thoughts?

here is the Wisconsin survey
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
07/31/2005 @ 02:43:49 PM
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The Wisconsin survey wont be the featured survey on espn until closer to ESPN getting here. You can only get to it by going the the featured survey and then picking WI rather than the state they are on.

I imagine it was linked off of the Brewers main site of a popular message board.

There is no way in hell that the Brewers are more popular that the Packers.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
08/01/2005 @ 04:27:20 PM
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Palmero Juiced??? Didn't see that coming
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4645 Posts
08/02/2005 @ 05:11:58 PM
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The Family Fun Night will be broadcast on the NFL network live- I find that funny for some reason. Don't forget ya'll- our draft is coming up sometime this month. Sign up or miss out on some serious butt kicking by urs truly. :)
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/03/2005 @ 04:34:16 PM
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What's worse? A player giving his opinion about a player on his team, or a player sticking his nose into a situation on another team?
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
08/03/2005 @ 10:42:18 PM
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Brewers just hovering right below the .500 mark. They're poised to do something big though. They're 5th in the NL in total runs scored and 6th in the NL in team ERA. Things are bound to fall into place and the Brewers are bound to make a run of some sort of magnitude.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/04/2005 @ 04:38:12 PM
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Where did everyone go?

Jenkins is batting .391 since the allstar break. That's the 4th highest BA in the Bigs since the break. The Brewers are currently just 1.5 games behind the struggling twins (not like that matters) The Crew is just one game under .500 heading into Philly for a 3 game series against the Reds. This has been your daily Brewers Update. Now back the show.
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matt.jpgMatt - 3915 Posts
08/04/2005 @ 04:45:29 PM
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The Twins suck, but not as much as Doug Mientkiewicz.

P.S. Fire Scott Ullger and/or Ron Gardenhire
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
08/04/2005 @ 05:32:14 PM
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Packers! Packers! Packers! William Henderson! Woo! The twins do suck. Tomorrow is going to be the highlight of my life from the past 2 months. :( We didn't really do anything this summer. sigh
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/04/2005 @ 11:09:52 PM
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Dubya thinks Palmero is telling the truth. Does that change the way anyone here feels?
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
08/08/2005 @ 03:53:59 PM
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Fantasy football needs to start getting signed up for.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4645 Posts
08/09/2005 @ 09:46:00 PM
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I say we do picks on the preseason games to get things started up!
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newalex.jpgicbeast - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
08/10/2005 @ 05:46:50 PM
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I say preseason is really lame and the only reason I pay any attention is to see who gets hurt before I draft my fantasy teams.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/10/2005 @ 10:45:07 PM
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I pick Green Bay, now nobody else can.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
05/18/2009 @ 06:45:42 PM
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Scott Wrote - 07/28/2005 @ 08:36:37 AM
Mark my words on this: Threw at least 2010, the Brewers infield will be a regular everyday thing, from 3rd to 1st: Bill Hall, JJ Hardy, Ricky Weeks, Prince Fielder. How about that.

Jon Wrote - 07/28/2005 @ 03:39:03 PM
I doubt it. First of all, that's not the starting infield NOW, so the streak is already broken. And even if it starts next year, that would be five straight years with the same lineup. One of those guys will probably be a bust and one will probably get traded or something.

I'm actually not that far off on this comment. If Ricky didn't just go out for the season, I probably would have made it to within one year of being right. And I technically still have a chance at being right.
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Scott messed with this at 05/18/2009 6:46:19 pm
hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4645 Posts
05/18/2009 @ 07:14:01 PM
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I was going through a bunch of old blogs awhile back and it was interesting to see Scott turn everything into a discussion on the Brewers. Here's another that doesn't seem like it would be related to sports.

Edit: Actually this blog takes directions all over the place, not just to Brewerland.
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Sarah edited this at 05/18/2009 7:23:48 pm
newalex.jpgAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
05/18/2009 @ 10:08:14 PM
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Weeks maxed out at 129 games played in a season and only broke 100 twice. Hall played more games than I would have guessed but that was still only 128 last year in what was clearly a platoon for a large part of the season (and the year before). Plus you said through 2010, and I have to think it's highly unlikely that Hall, Hardy, and Weeks will all be with the team next year. Hardy and Weeks are on 1 year deals, Hall is signed through 2010 but I think they'd trade him if they could get any value back (especially with Gamel getting some pt, although maybe not with Weeks gone for the year).

Sidebar: Only Suppan, Prince, Hall, Riske, and Braun have contracts through 2010 or longer. Everyone else is on 1 year contracts, at least half of whom still have arbitration years left, but still. I'm going to name this phenomenon the Bill Hall effect. Source -
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/19/2009 @ 06:46:53 AM
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You're right, I was completely off on a comment I made 4 years ago about where the team would be next year. I couldn't have been more off the mark. I'll put more effort into my next prediction for 5 years out.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
05/19/2009 @ 01:14:08 PM
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Apology accepted.
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