Fantasy Football

06/10/2005 8:08 pm
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I signed us up for Fantasy Football on yahoo. Only 73 days until our draft! League: Page 3 password: football
hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
06/11/2005 @ 11:02:16 AM
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I guess the league id # is 29225
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
06/14/2005 @ 05:41:35 PM
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I'm in.

For those of you that care. There is a major injustice going on in Major League Baseball. The All-Star Ballotting situation is a load of crap. Carlos Lee is number 1 in RBI in the Majors and number 2 in the NL in Home Runs, yet he is not even on the list of OF's in the top 15 in the NL. Carlos Beltran however, is leading the NL outfielders in votes, in spite of the fact that he is 86th in Homruns and 84th in homeruns. How is this possible? I'll tell you. Fans do not have a clue who they are voting for. They see a name they know, they vote for it. They see a name of a player that had a good year, and they vote for it. Fans need to either be taken out of the equation completely or lessened in the way that the NFL has 1/3 fans votes, 1/3 player votes, and 1/3 writer votes. It is a sad story that Carlos Lee is not even on the list. He is pretty much one of the top 2 or 3 offensive player this season, let alone outfielders. Argh
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Knuckle Sammich
08/25/2014 @ 02:59:20 PM
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