
09/30/2004 5:05 pm
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The word "favorite" has given me some challenging decisions at times. Naming my favorite movie is somenthing that I've never liked, as I don't really have one favoirite as much as a few movies that I really like. Other things, such as my favorite tv show are sometimes easily identifiable (sometimes not) but are prone to change at virtually any time.
But then there are those enduring favorites, those clear cut things that stay at the top for extended periods of time like UCLA stayed atop college basketball back in the Wooden era (or something like that).
When such things as these collide in such a way as to give you the possiblilty to experience both at once, it is one of those moments to savor. For instance, imagine watching your favorite sports team play, while enjoying your favorite meal. Or imagine your favorite song playing as you participate in your favorite leisure activity.
I've had a few favorites for a while now and last night, two of them collided. Switchfoot, my favorite band for about four years now, played on The Late Show with David Letterman. This show has been my favorite late night talk show dating back to it's beginning (and even to the days of it's predecessor "Late Night" on NBC).
And was it awesome? I have no idea. I didn't see it. I didn't even know it was going to happen. I found out about a half hour ago when I performed one of my "every now and then" checks of my "secondary" email account. How does such a thing happen?...how do I miss out on the stars aligning in such a way as this? How can this blog entry get any longer?
There may be a good ending to this story after all. Matt, Page 3's most beloved writer left a message on my answering machine last night around the time that Letterman begins airing. Though the message didn't indicate anything like this, I believe Page 3's MBL may have been aware of this event and may have recorded it for me.
Stay tuned to find out the details.
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
09/30/2004 @ 05:40:44 PM
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I wouldn't waste even outdated VHS tape on Switchfoot.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
09/30/2004 @ 05:59:21 PM
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Pearl Jam is on tonight...my two fave bands back to back...what are the odds in that?

Almost as goos as Sarah's favorite actor (David Duchovney) playing with BNL on Conan.

ps what is MBL? Most Beloved Loser?
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2887.gificbeast - Refactor Mercilessly
09/30/2004 @ 06:59:27 PM
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Did anyone watch Apprentice last night? Could Jenn C be any more in denial and oblivious to what is going on around her? I think not.
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question_mark.gifcarl (Guest)
09/30/2004 @ 10:00:01 PM
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Several things I don't give a damn about have come up in this blog comment spot:

Fox Mulder
BNL- pinch me please... no, lower.
the Apprentice

get the VHS of Pearl Jam and we'll call it squares.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
09/30/2004 @ 11:40:23 PM
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PJ played a Bob Dylan song, also Simpsons are back on after dave....good times.
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
10/01/2004 @ 08:54:36 AM
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Several things I don't give a damn about have come up in this blog comment spot:


Has anyone acquired pudding pops yet?
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
10/01/2004 @ 10:53:19 AM
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Alas, Pudding Pops have yet to come to the Page 3 area.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
10/03/2004 @ 02:57:58 AM
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Why did I put MBL? I meant to use an acronym for Most Beloved Writer, but it apparently came out MBL. NOw I feel dumb for thinking it was weird that Sarah couldn't figure it out.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
01/09/2007 @ 04:07:13 PM
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I found again this after rereading my "classic 3" article.

We know this as the "MBL" blog but Micah's 10/01/2004 @ 08:54:36 AM comment flew under the radar originally but had me literally "lol"ing in my office.

I also think it's funny Jon called him the "Most Beloved Writer" and THEN the "MBL," like 20 characters later, followed up by me taking a guess at it, not involving a "W" and Jon still not getting it.
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Jeremy perfected this at 01/09/2007 4:07:41 pm
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