The League

08/17/2004 8:47 pm
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Rnd VitalsSuperBowlorBust#33The Six Packers?ACCartersCarl's TeamcanIchangethislater?bizzle
1P. HolmesA. GreenL. TomlinsonD. CulpepperB. FavreS. AlexanderC. Portis
2R. MossS. DavisF. TaylorE. JamesM. FaulkD. McAllisterJ. Lewis
3M. HarrisonD. McNabbT. HoltM. BennettW. SappH. WardP. Manning
4C. DillonT. GonzalezM. VickE. MouldsB. FranksJ. HornT. Owens
5C. JohnsonJ. WalkerD. MasonC. ChambersBaltimoreS. MossS. Smith
6M. HasselbeckP. PriceD. JacksonK. WinslowR. LongwellD. DavisT. Heap
7J. ShockeyNew EnglandA. CrumplerA. JohnsonK. BarlowR. JohnsonT. Henry
8J. WilkinsM. VanderjagtTampa BayT. DuckettK. RobinsonT. GreenJ. Porter
9MiamiJ. AzumahD. AkersL. ColesJ. SmithC. PenningtonA. Brooks
10P. BuchanonC. RogersC. HopeT. BradyP. BurressM. BulgerS. McNair
11B. LeftwichB. JohnsonT. BarberP. WarrickB. WilliamsI. BruceT. Jones
12K. McCardellD. StaleyB. WestbrookPhiladelphiaM. VrabelJ. McCareinsC. Brown
13M. WilliamsM. BookerA. ToomerC. MartinE. GeorgeR. WayneM. Robinson
14L. SuggsJ. ElamK. JohnsonM. StoverK. JonesQ. GriffinL. Fitzgerald
15D. DriverD. HallA. LelieMinnesotaD. BennettR. GardnerCarolina
16C. ChavousSeattleJ. GarciaR. SmithD. StallworthO. SmithDallas
17J. KasayA. RossumA. GatesE. HendersonK. JohnsonW. DunnJ. Feely
18M. MuhammadM. PollardKansas CityR. DayneJ. McCownT. BellI. Mili
19E. ManningC. PalmerA. VinatieriO. MareTennesseeA. DavisR. McQuarters
20PittsburghT. WheatleyD. O'NealR. LewisJ. BrownG. FrerotteB. Dawkins
question_mark.gifHot Woman (Guest)
08/17/2004 @ 08:20:35 PM
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Jon is the best drafter
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/17/2004 @ 08:30:05 PM
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Ill shrink it when i get back from Wendy's
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/17/2004 @ 08:34:15 PM
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which team is jon's?
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
08/17/2004 @ 10:09:16 PM
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Guess who's Eau Claire's newest Business major (well, not newest, but a very recent one at that).
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newalex.jpgicbe - 3619 Posts
08/17/2004 @ 11:20:44 PM
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
08/17/2004 @ 11:42:13 PM
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Jon is canIchangethislater the one with no kicker, no Def or Def player and no TE
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 01:18:09 PM
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What I love about Red Sox fans is their sense of doomed destiny; they almost want to lose, because that failure is romantic. This is far different from, say, Minnesota Vikings fans, as they always believe -- and I mean always -- that this is the year. And it never is, and it never will be. - Bill Simmons Page 2
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
08/18/2004 @ 01:46:44 PM
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LOL-- that's my away message! However, I think the guy he was emailing with actually spouted that one off. :) (chuck something or other)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 05:35:59 PM
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At least we have a reason to beleive that. The vikes have only been a bad team like 4 years in their existance. Packer fans have the same belief and they sucked for 30 years.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 06:10:25 PM
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I'm a business major and I don't think that about myself.:(
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 06:24:39 PM
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I do.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
08/18/2004 @ 06:48:00 PM
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CS Majors suck, they are mean-spirited people
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 06:57:41 PM
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You're just mad that we have better football teams.
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2887.gificbeast - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
08/18/2004 @ 07:03:35 PM
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u no what would b cool? if there were magic numbers, like if QB throws for exactly 333 yards, you get an extra 33 points. or have some numbers be poison, like if you land on certain numbers you go back to 0.

or maybe the number of players u could play at each position would randomly change each week.

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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
08/18/2004 @ 07:06:08 PM
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We, meaning I, would have to write our own fantasy football program.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 07:15:13 PM
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Thank u Mr. Obvious!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 08:26:33 PM
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Hey, a Super Bowl is a Super Bowl, and the Packers have been the best team in the NFL since 92 in terms of wins. What's better, being the best team in the world once, or never getting there?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 08:27:10 PM
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and it was only 29 years between super bowls
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
08/18/2004 @ 08:42:38 PM
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what do business majors think about themselves?
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 09:37:05 PM
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Goodbye Wes Helms, hello Russell Branyan. Did anyone else see his second homerun tonight? He unloaded on that ball.

Twins are looking good again.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/18/2004 @ 09:46:46 PM
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Fantasy Football program = easy as hell.

Getting the stats in there = pain in ass.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
08/19/2004 @ 07:01:39 PM
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question_mark.gifBretx0r uses Mozilla (Guest)
08/19/2004 @ 10:49:16 PM
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I need a laptop.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
08/20/2004 @ 11:43:13 AM
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I am trying to get a league started, as I haven't been in one with people I know in a couple of years. I would have been in yours but I just moved and didn't check your page for quite some time. However, I think I could make a team of free agents and beat Carl's Team. If anyone here wants to get another team and get in on my league, (especially Carl if you're going to draft Favre in the first round) let me know, and I can figure out a good draft time. Later.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
08/20/2004 @ 10:44:27 PM
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Carl missed the live draft, he just messed up his rankings :)
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