Signs WI is going to hell

08/08/2004 6:14 pm
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1. 60,000+ people (including Sarah, Alex (icbizzle), Bret (Bretxor) and Steph (Bret's fiance)) show up to see a practice.

2. We arrive there a couple hours early to find about 3,000 people a practice.

3. The wave goes at this practice BEFORE anything starts for like 10 minutes.

4. The fans cheer a kickoff return for a TD...against no kick coverage team.

5. The fans cheer a 60 yard TD where their 2nd string O vs their #1 D, with a QB that had one week of the system under his belt hits their 8th string reciever on like a 10 yard out who then proceeds to make a complete fool out of Darren Sharper and takes it the rest of the way.

6. A lady, who is there with her kids, a few rows in front of us piles up about 8 beer glasses and gets drunk enough to jump up and dump beer on a woman in front of her in celebration of a 2 yard touchdown...#1 O vs #2 D...during drills where the offense had it first and goal at the 5.
scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
08/08/2004 @ 08:18:27 PM
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Well, except for the last lady and her problem, that's part of the reason the Packers are so great. The Packers Family Night has got to be one of the biggest traditions in sports. Wisconsin people don't need an excuse to tailgate, so a practice is merely practice for them too:)
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/08/2004 @ 09:53:48 PM
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It was pretty sad, yes it's exciting to see a bomb, but the place went nuts every time the offense scored during the 5 yard drills.
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2887.gificbizzle - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
08/08/2004 @ 10:14:56 PM
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What else were they (we) supposed to do?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
08/08/2004 @ 11:14:15 PM
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I think it's implied but I was there as well.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/09/2004 @ 04:51:58 PM
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I think I would have went nuts too just because I could. It sounds like it was a lot of fun.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
08/09/2004 @ 08:42:11 PM
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It was fun. William Henderson Rules!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/09/2004 @ 10:14:57 PM
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Most underrated fullback ever (or at least in the past 5 or 10 years maybe)....we all know who the most overrated fullback is
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/09/2004 @ 10:55:38 PM
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Brett Favre?

Frank Stallone?
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question_mark.gifBretx0r uses Mozilla (Guest)
08/10/2004 @ 12:03:23 AM
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Your mom?
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
08/10/2004 @ 01:10:01 PM
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fullback......not QB, (and if Favre is the pick for overrated QB, it's because everyone puts him way way way higher than other QB ever, instead of just simply the best, ha)......i had Mike Alstott in mind, the guy who doesn't really play fullback anymore (because he sucks), but gets credit for all his rushing stats as a fullback, despite the fact that he can't block to save his life.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
08/10/2004 @ 11:05:38 PM
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The fact remains Alstott IS a fullback and always had far and away better stats than anyone else. It might not be fair but perhaps the fact that, unlike most fullbacks, he saw the ball more than twice a season was not because he was a big tailback listed at fullback, but because he was a good fullback.

Besides, fullback is an antiquated position anyway, many teams don't even have a fullback. This argument is SO 5 seasons ago.

You could make the argument, at least until the resent reimphasis on tight ends that the only reason Tony Gonzalas was so good and got so many passes unlike his fellow TE's was because he was a bigger wideout listed at tight end.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
08/11/2004 @ 11:00:42 AM
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But Gonzalas wasn't just listed at tight end, he always played from the tight end position. Mike Alstott rarely gets the ball from the fullback position, thus making him a running back in that situation, making him an average one at best. Also, even as a running back, only one year has he averaged more than 4 yards per carry, which is pretty much the bench mark of an effective rb. But because he is such a poor blocker (which may be why Warrick Dunn left, and that's what most teams have a fb for anyway)he shouldn't even be playing FB. I don't remember this argument 5 years ago, if I did I feel like bringing it up again.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
08/11/2004 @ 11:16:59 PM
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So getting 4 yards on his own is bad, but being able to block well enough for another guy the get 4 yards is good?

I think it's unfair for other fullbacks that Alstott is on the roster as a fullback, but given the fact that he was it's absurd to think that any other FB should go to the pro bowl, or whatever, over him considering he probobly had the stats of every other FB (maybe excluding Larry Centers) combined.

"Tweener" or not he's still a fullback. Moe Williams gets put in at fullback, as does Jimmy Kleinsasser, that doesn't make them fullbacks. A wide receiver is still a wide receiver even if they are split out or in the slot, or for that matter doing nothing but returning kicks/punts.

If a team uses a player with unique talents differently that other teams use a guy at the same roster spot that doesn't mean they're listed under the wrong spot, maybe it means that person is uniquely talented.

It would be nice to see "blocking" guys get some credit, but it's not like there's a rule you have to have 1 fullback and only 4 rb's and the bucs "snuck" someone into the FB slot so they could have 5 rb's. Obviously he was in that position for a reason.

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newalex.jpgicbeast - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
08/11/2004 @ 11:49:10 PM
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!#!#$%!$%@#$% I was writing a nice long post and IE crapped out on me. So here it is in short cause I don't want to rewrite the whole thing.

No one cares about Mike Alstott.
I hate the Bucs, wish Brown didn't go there, he was the last player on the Raiders from the days when I liked them.
Sophomore slump hits Boldin, joke about Cardinals and Super Bowl.

Cleveland will make a run at the Twinkies.
The Al West/Boston race will be interesting, go Texas!
Brewers trying to keep streak of
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/12/2004 @ 07:27:27 PM
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anyway, he ain't that good at either position he plays then.....

So I was at the PGA Championship today down near Sheboygan. Boy was that an experience. Whistling straights is a course to end all courses. It is like nothing else on this continent, and even the courses in Europe have some trouble comparing. It was about the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen (except for the girlfriend of course;).....I got to within about 2 feet of Phil Mickelson when he was walking from the practice green to the first tee, and I got pretty close to Tiger, Vijay Singh, John Daly, Jim Furyk, and a bunch of other golfers of note. Also, and this was kinda exciting, was within hand shaking distance of Wayne Laravee (sorry for the spelling, but I don't care), the Packers radio announcer, as he walked by with the 3-some of Tiger, Jijay and Daly. That was cool. Overall is was a worthwhile experience.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/12/2004 @ 08:28:17 PM
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It's official, ESPN has to spend half of all broadcasts, non Packer games included, kissing Favre's ass.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
08/12/2004 @ 08:38:43 PM
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You know you have a good (ok, excellent) player when the guys in the booth spend a good 2 minutes just talking about how awesome he is. Wooo! I am SOOOO freakin' excited!!!! MONDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart is palpitating or something like that. OH my. they just showed a promo for the MNF game of Pack vs Hawks. I AM SO THERE! Ok, i gotta calm down now.
p.s. peyton manning looks really hot in that stocking hat for the "flea flicker" promo. :) what's wrong with me?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/12/2004 @ 08:39:08 PM
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Ron Wolf spent a week with the Cowboys at camp...Judas anyone?

p.s. there was just a promo for the packers monday night preseason game and sarah squealed and clapped for about 2 minutes and then had to go change her pants.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
08/12/2004 @ 08:40:31 PM
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P.S. Yea, um I think my eyes popped out of my head when they said ron wolf had spent a week with the cowboys. who does that? why not just put a dagger into each and every packer fan's heart? hmmm?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
08/12/2004 @ 08:40:32 PM
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I didn't realize that Sarah was posting about it.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt -'s MBL
08/12/2004 @ 09:06:27 PM
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Golf and Football both suck.

P.S. The recently freed Justin Morneau hit two Home Runs today....I'll be surprised if Doug Mientkiewicz hits two
Home Runs total in the rest of the season.

P.S.S. Free Michael Cuddyer.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
08/12/2004 @ 09:11:38 PM
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Sarah made a fantasy football league if anyone wants in.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
08/12/2004 @ 10:04:28 PM
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Preseason football blows. All I need to know about the preseason is who got hurt so I don't draft them for my fantasy teams. I hardly even watch the Packers preseason. I'm down for some ff, how do I get the hook up?

Sheets gave up 3 HR and 4 runs in 8 innings today, not bad (not nearly good enough for the Brewers of course), but his last 8 outs were all K's. Sosa must have issues with the Nomar trade or something, cause he just plain can't hit lately. 0-5 with 4 whiffs today. SD could take charge in the wild-card race if that continues.

Wolf has had a sufficient grieving period and I have no problem with him moving on. Plus, maybe he was scouting them out or something.

John Heffron wins!!!!! I Internet voted for him with all three of my votes. The other guys had some good material too, but I if got to pick between going to a show of one of them, Heffron had the best energy and just made me laugh more.

I am Tiger Woods.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
08/13/2004 @ 03:00:35 AM
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Heffron was funny, but Gary Gulman should have won. Anyone that passionate about cookies deserves to be recognized.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/13/2004 @ 01:01:59 PM
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I want in on the fantasy football........I don't hate the Cowboys............Favre rules (i just watched the MNF game against the raiders from last year where Favre put on a passing clinic)........pre-seasons games aren't really fun....I don't think I watched any of them last year, maybe about 5 minutes of a couple of them, but if I had a chance to go to one I probably would.......For only the second time in his career, Favre used the words "Super Bowl or Bust" in a press conference, the other time? preseason of 96, when the team went on to win it........Phil Mickelson for president.........and I don't know what the heck you guys are talking about with Heffron and Gulman......
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
08/13/2004 @ 01:37:30 PM
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Alright, here's the lowdown on the fantasy football. It's Yahoo Fantasy Football because it's free. go there and our league id # is 394046 and the password is page3. Our draft is next tuesday at 7. i don't think u necessarily have to be there but have ur players ranked so that it can automatically do it for u. it should be fun.
Scott- did u watch it on tv or do u have a tape? because i would love a copy of it somehow. ($) Check out the name of my team in our league, u'll get a kick out of it.
I didn't watch last comic standing so i don't know who those guys are but i'm sure they're funny. Obviously preseason football isn't that exciting but it's something, especially since we've had nothing for the last 6 months. So, I take it whilst i can. Monday night is going to be fantastic. I hope ahman green isn't seriously hurt. (his foot) Sherman said he might've tied his shoe too tightly during the family fun night. how does that work? well that's it i think for now
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/13/2004 @ 07:00:08 PM
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I'd almost rather Green not play at all, not now. If there's even the slightest question I'd hold off until the the regular season......Sarah, yes it was a tape....i might be able to figure out a way to get a copy and then give it to jon or something......i'll work on it or something
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/14/2004 @ 08:09:29 AM
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Jim Gantner Bobblehead Day at Miller Park! Come on Brewers, go for 2 in a row.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
08/14/2004 @ 11:53:31 AM
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Thanks Scott- I'd be much obliged. If it doesn't work out, that's ok too.
So Kilborn calls it quits eh? Are any of our writers trauma-stricken? ha ha ha he was never any good anyway. Conan all the way!
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newalex.jpgicbeast - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
08/14/2004 @ 12:08:05 PM
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Is he finally ready
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question_mark.gifMeaning Ron Dayne (Guest)
08/14/2004 @ 12:08:46 PM
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
08/16/2004 @ 09:28:54 AM
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I'm excited for the Dayne Train to get back rollin again. With Ricky Williams retired, Dayne has an opportunity to bounce back from his rough pro start after he kicked Ricky's (and Tony Dorsett's) but in college.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
08/16/2004 @ 07:02:45 PM
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I can't get registered to respond but I don't know if they are being sarcastic or not.

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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
08/16/2004 @ 07:13:24 PM
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Silent lol! (??) They have enough time to comment on our comments which are actually about something!!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/16/2004 @ 07:15:16 PM
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that's funny
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
08/16/2004 @ 09:59:20 PM
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Ok, so the Packer game was pretty boring. But, then again, it's preseason.
Ok, so Doug is playing second base now??????????????????
Why didn't we freakin' trade Rivas if the Red Sox just needed a second basemen? I hate the Twins. So, who's up for bobblehead day on Saturday?
Mientkiewicz playing second base, i just argh. (so frustrated!!! why did we trade doug? stupid twins not thinking about the present and now he's playing second!!!) who wants to buy me a mientkiewicz red sox jersey?
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question_mark.gifBretx0r uses Mozilla (Guest)
08/16/2004 @ 11:43:19 PM
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That wasn't me who posted that comment at the very start of this session. Jeremy can we have a sign in thing already?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
08/17/2004 @ 05:20:56 PM
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