
07/27/2004 3:53 am
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So, it is looking like it's quite likely that Doug Mientkiewicz is going to be traded. Probably for Kris Benson. It's no lock at this point, but let's discuss it anyway.

Other than the fact that this would instantly render Sarah's jersey "vintage" (see: lame), this brings up some interesting feelings for the staff members of Page 3.

I'll be the first to opine.

Strangely enough, I feel that as long as we don't make a bonehead trade out of it, trading Mientkiewicz might very well be a smart move. It's weird that I feel this way, seeing as for the past two years or so I've felt that Doug has been the MVP of our team. But at this point, we've got Morneau who appears more than ready to stay in the big leagues for good. With four outfielders, plus LeCroy, we've already got the DH covered. The fact that we are not a free-spending team, coupled with the fact that Mientkiewicz is hitting in the lower .200's means that he and his 2.8 million might be better suited for another team.

Doug's been one of my favorite Twins in the recent past, but it's strange how quickly and easily I'm willing to drop him like a bad habit. I think I'm mesmorized by the slugging power of Justin Morneau and the fact that the Twins have the possibility of stabilizing their rotation.
There's always the chance that it could all go terribly wrong. That Benson in no way would be worth it and that Morneau would turn out to be a bust. At times I think that maybe this is all like that Simpsons episode where Mark McGwire gives everyone the option of learning about a grand conspiracy or watching him hit dingers. It's like Justin Morneau is asking me "Do you want Doug to continue to hit a lot of doubles, to save your team from committing 5 errors a game, to continue to be one of the few guys on your team to draw walks, and to come back next year as good at the plate as he used to be, or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?

Dingers! Dingers!

scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
07/27/2004 @ 12:31:50 PM
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Plus Kris Benson is good. (how many guys with that name spell it with a "K" anyway, that's gotta speak for something) And, he's from Wisconsin.
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
07/27/2004 @ 01:54:22 PM
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So first of all, I thought that once again, jeremy and matt were kidding when they told me that mientkiewicz was going to be traded. Alas, espn and the star tribune have made it factual. :``````( (however u make a crying smiley) Doug is the man, whenever we go to Twins games, what jersey do u see the most often walking around? It's not Jacque(s?) Jones, I'll tell u that. Rivas is the one that should be traded, he's the jerk that hurt him in the first place. He was actually starting to tear it up at the plate before his injury. His defense is the best there is at first, he deserves his contract. Kris Benson would cost about $6 million, $4 million more than Doug. With Doug, you know you have a first rate first baseman. Morneau has been in and out of AAA for the past couple years. The Twins have never been afraid to trade their roto guys before, (Kielty, that one Chris guy, Ryan(?), etc.) They home grow good, maybe even great ball players all the time. However, you're coming down the stretch now where you need all of ur top guys to play. I believe that includes Mientkiewicz.
The core group of guys that have played together for so long is slowly diminishing. AJ is gone. Hocking is gone. Guardado is gone. Hawking is gone. That core group of guys made this team what it is today. They continue to keep the team in contention. One of these years they are going to go to the World Series. It's a shame that the guys who helped build them to what they are won't be there to celebrate with them.
So, yes, while Morneau has been hitting the "dingers" as of late, I would perfer Mientkiewicz's experience at first and his ability to watch the ball and his knowing when to hit more right now. (and perhaps always)
People really like Doug. He gets some of the loudest cheers at games. I think a lot of fans would be disappointed with their decision to trade him.
My jersey will never be lame because it's one of the coolest jersey's around.
It really is a shame that the Twins only have so many roster spots to fill and soo much talent in so many guys. However, now is not the time to change the line up. (and nobody make any snide remarks about how he hasn't been in the line-up for awhile)
Thank you.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - I'm flippin' burgers / you at Kinko's straight flippin' copies
07/27/2004 @ 09:14:43 PM
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My fake ID from back in the day was Kris with a 'K'.

I think if the twins are going to go anywhere in the playoffs they are going to need another good pitcher.
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question_mark.gifBretx0r uses Mozilla (Guest)
07/27/2004 @ 10:54:36 PM
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Good thing I don't buy clothes with people's names on them, otherwise shit like this happens. Might I add that I'm glad I don't pay any attention to sports, there are better things to do like get sorceress up to level 44, or go play outside, whichever the weather decides.
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question_mark.gifcarl (Guest)
07/28/2004 @ 12:55:23 AM
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I agree with micah. the twinks need some more heat
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
07/28/2004 @ 11:41:59 AM
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Sentimentallity has no place in baseball (at least not with free agency the way it is). If it did, the Brewers would have never lost Molitor, or Surhoff, or Sheffield, or even Sexson for that matter. However, concerning the latter of this list, the deal worked out better than the Brewers could have ever hoped. So, if the Twins, by giving up Doug (not even going to try the last name....even though it's up the page a bit) get one good pitcher and a potentially good hitter, the deal might prove to be worth it.
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scott.jpgscott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
07/28/2004 @ 11:47:58 AM
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by "get....a potentially good hitter", I mean the act of calling someone up from the minors. The Brewers will most likely be in this same situation next year or the year after. Lyle Overbay was brought in basically to eat up time before Prince Fielder was ready to come up to the big leagues to play first base. But, with Overbay lighting up the box scores with the 3rd best BA in the NL, the delima is starting to build.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
07/28/2004 @ 01:25:00 PM
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My Favre jersey has yet to go out of style. Hell, if I would've gotten it 12 years ago it would still be good to go. (but, i only got it a few years ago from some viking fan, so i guess this doesn't really apply) Free agency sucks. (even though it really doesn't) i can be sentimental if i want, i think more people should be. it's sad when a beloved player gets traded away.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
07/28/2004 @ 04:08:15 PM
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WOO! Go Jacque Jones, all the commentators were giving Hunter grief and then KAPOW! A single that hits Guzman in. What do the White Sox have against Koskie? How bout they hit him another 4 times? Geez! Go Twins!
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
07/28/2004 @ 05:35:26 PM
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Sarah, just for the record, I am very sentimental about sports, I didn't mean to sound otherwise. It was a "political" statement that it's hard to be sentimental when your favorite players get traded away or leave because of free agency. So in conclusion, I'm with you in that regard.
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2887.gificbeast - Refactor Mercilessly
07/28/2004 @ 10:27:38 PM
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With free agency the way it is now, I have my favorite teams and my favorite players. I bought a Sexson jersey last May or June (2003) knowing full well that he might be soon traded. (OK, not the best example because I mean honestly, who else's jersey was I going to get from the Brewers?) Anyway, I don't regret buying it cause it's still Brewers apparel and I still like Sexson (hope he can come back next year, and maybe get traded back to the Brewers next July when the D-backs are sucking again and the Brewhizzies are in contention, he can play 3rd).

Bretx0r, you are a crazy technonymph and you sound like you're 6 years old when you say, "or go play outside". Cowboys and Indians or Cops and Robbers?

Finally, I finally figured out that I needed to hit refresh on the Page 3's newest content page. I think my IE settings have been mucked up. I've been using Mozilla some and may continue to explore different browsers. Also finally, the Brewers figured out how to hit tonight. They need to get on a fat winning streak starting now.

I'm not sure about the Twins. I just looked at their pitchers' stats, and they could clearly use another starter. But if they can make it to the playoffs with what they have, you only need 3 or 4 starters in the playoffs. As a side note, Santana has been ridiculously awesome lately. Props.
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icbeast edited this at 11/21/2006 10:44:26 pm
reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
07/29/2004 @ 02:51:16 AM
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This has nothing to do with sports, but regardless of how you feel about politics, Barack Obama gave a pretty damn good speech last night. Its a good thing Ditka isn't running against him though.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/29/2004 @ 09:53:06 AM
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What's with the state of Minnesota and Wrestlers?
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
07/29/2004 @ 12:25:06 PM
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Yeah Obama is on the fast track now. The speech was impressive.

As for Brock Lesnar, I've seen some of what he can do in the ring. He's quite athletic. Hopefully this will fare better than when they signed The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase to be the long snapper back in the late 80's.

Also it looks like Doug Mientkiewicz might at least finish the year as a Twin...maybe.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/29/2004 @ 01:39:57 PM
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Hope is on the way! (sorry, got caught up in the moment)
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - We can do this easy, or we can do it real easy
07/31/2004 @ 12:28:57 PM
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I can't believe he lost. It makes me so sad.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
07/31/2004 @ 06:23:49 PM
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No more doug. :( I am going to the game tomorrow along with the rest of the Page 3 staff to boo the Twins. (well i might be the only one who boos the Twins)
Who are u talking about Micah?
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
07/31/2004 @ 07:51:36 PM
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Bottom line is that Justin Morneau is younger/cheaper/and a better player than Doug Mientkiewicz and the Twins finally realized that the team needs Morneau's bat more than Doug's defense.
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
07/31/2004 @ 09:36:58 PM
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I am referring to everyone's hero and favorite patriot, Mike Tyson.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
08/01/2004 @ 07:48:59 PM
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and seriously, defensive minded first basemen are a dime a dozen (not knocking doug's defense at all, just that defense will take care of itself, but if you can't hit, you probably won't figure it out.) How weird that Doug was playing against his old team at the dome the very day he was traded. I bet anyone just reading the box scores and saw his name in the Boston column thought it was a misprint.
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