MLB All-Stars

07/04/2004 11:28 pm
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Joe Nathan

Dan Kolb
Ben Sheets

Sammy Sosa
Carlos Zambrano
Moises Alou

Go vote for "The Sponge" Lew Ford of the Minnesota Twins to claim the final AL All-Star spot...and while you're voting for him, might I suggest Aramis Ramirez of the Cubs for the Final NL spot.
matt.jpgMatt - 3875 Posts
07/04/2004 @ 11:39:47 PM
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P.S. Lyle Overbay got hosed.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3875 Posts
07/04/2004 @ 11:53:34 PM
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On second thought....for the NL vote, while Ramirez is a Cub and certainly deserving of an All-Star nod, Bobby Abreu is a very underrated player and has been snubbed for many years in a row now, so give him some consideration as well.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 12:33:16 AM
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The Sponge got my vote! Happy 4th all!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 08:01:52 AM
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Overbay get's respect.

I think Overbay deserved to go, but look at the depth at first base. Thome has 27 homeruns, Casey might be just a smidge better than O, and Helton is Helton (and the Rockies need someone on the team). Overbay could have gone if he were in the AL, but I won't complain. The Brewers got a couple deserving guys. I'm actually a little surprised Sheets was named. It seems that these days strikeouts and era mean nothing and wins mean everything, but justice was achieved in this case.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 08:08:47 AM
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Casey not at the Bat

Possible opening here for another first basemen....Overbay may make it yet.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 01:54:13 PM
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You wanna see some good pitching? Sheets has struck out 7 through 3 innings on WGN against the Cubs.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/05/2004 @ 05:00:34 PM
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Does anyone else get sick to their stomach when they hear about or see a 13 year old girl singing about how her boyfriend, who she thought could be "the one", "cheated" on her and they broke up? You know how she found out? She found her friend's number on his cell phone. There are a million things wrong with this story already. Why do 13 year olds all have cell phones now? Why would any 13 year old (i was in 7th grade when I was 13) think that anyone could be "the one". Man, either I'm getting old, or kids are just getting dumber.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 05:32:43 PM
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Who the hell are you talking about? When you're young every one is the one. I don't think having a cell phone when you're young is that big of a deal (it's probobly a Godsend for parents.)

Now...did she assume he was cheating because of the number, did she find the number and then do more investigating, or did she consider him even having the number "cheating".
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 07:01:36 PM
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I guess i didn't look into that closely:).....i also didn't realize that young people sport cell phones as much...oh well, another day, another rant....wait and see what tomorrow's rant will be
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 09:21:06 PM
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When you're that young, you have crushes, you're not thinking about "the one." That's stupid Jeremiah. Relationships didn't last long enough for that person to be the one. Not that I would really know, since I was a loser, but um yea.
As for kids having cell phones, I find them extremely unnecessary. I don't have one now, and I'm doing just fine. Kids don't need cell phones because wherever they are, there are phones. Have your kids call if they're going to change locations and it's all good. Give'em some change for pay phones and all is well.
There. Word up.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
07/05/2004 @ 10:03:47 PM
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Maybe you shouldn't talk sarah. It has nothing to do with thinking about or looking for the one.

And yes kids to a great job checking in with their parents all on their own.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
07/06/2004 @ 09:21:37 AM
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Then what does it have to do with?

If kids can't be trusted to tell their parents where they are, then maybe they shouldn't be hanging out with their friends. Parents don't need to know what the kids are doing every second that they are gone. If I went over to a friend's house, I went over to a friends house. If we then went to the mall, we went to the mall. My parents just knew I was with with that friend and they were fine with that, because they knew I wouldn't being doing anything wrong.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
07/06/2004 @ 03:30:46 PM
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I didn't get a cell phone until I went off to college. But then again, I was a loser in junior high and high school, or at least I did very little with my friends. But when I did, it wasn't hard to find a phone to call my parents and tell them where I was.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
07/06/2004 @ 05:28:55 PM
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It's called peace of mind.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/06/2004 @ 07:36:48 PM
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The Brewers just put up a 4 spot in the 1st inning against mark Prior and the Cubs
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/06/2004 @ 10:58:37 PM
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The Brew is only 2 games out of the wildcard, and will be 1 game back after tomorrow. They should make a move for another right-handed bat with some power. They've got enough depth in their farm system to give up somebody.
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2887.gificbizzle - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
07/06/2004 @ 11:09:56 PM
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The Bucks are really trying to stock up on long-time Blazers. They just hired Jerome Kersey as an assistant coach who will rejoin Terry Porter, his Blazer teammate of 10 years. As exciting as that is, why are there no rumors of free agents in Milwaukee? Why why why?
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/06/2004 @ 11:26:36 PM
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Is anyone else watching "Last Comic Standing"? And if so, wouldn't you agree that the results of tonight's show make you that much more excited to watch the rest of the competition? Ant was annoying. Good riddins I say.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/07/2004 @ 08:49:39 PM
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game 3 isn't over, but the Brewers are tearing through the Cubs this series.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
07/07/2004 @ 10:02:38 PM
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Even though it was against the Royals, the Twins just pulled off an impressive feat. Brad Radke, Johan Santana and Kyle Lohse pitched 3 consecutive complete game shutouts as the Twins outscored the Royals 25 - 0 in their 3 game series.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt -'s MBL
07/07/2004 @ 10:08:58 PM
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Oh yeah, and I think its already safe to say that Joe Mauer is the best catcher in Baseball.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
07/07/2004 @ 10:32:46 PM
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I told alex to draft him in fantasy baseball.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/07/2004 @ 10:55:49 PM
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I'll have you know that I didn't draft him, he was hurt for a long time, and now that he's heating up I was still able to pick him up on 3 out my 4 teams. Though on two of those I have Martinez from Cleveland and I can't just drop him, so I'm keeping two catchers right now which is not normal. S to the Swizzeep! Filthy Cubs fans best be in full retreat tonight. Brewers and Twins pitching has been good lately. Is it too soon to hope for a Series matchup?
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
07/08/2004 @ 10:19:59 AM
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The Sponge got hosed! That Matsui guy got in because he's a big name playa. Granted, i don't know what his stats are, but I don't really care. The Twins put on quite the rout of the Royals.
Quote from

"It was a very enjoyable ballgame from my office," said a smiling manager Ron Gardenhire, who was ejected in the second inning.

When doesn't this guy get ejected? Oh well, just thought it was a funny statement. Who's ready for bobblehead day tomorrow?
Yay for Newman
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
07/08/2004 @ 01:46:07 PM
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1. Bobblehead days suck

2. The Twins have added a Joe Mauer Bobblehead this'll be during Fan Appreciation Weekend in early October.
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
07/08/2004 @ 01:47:56 PM
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Saturday October 2nd to be precise.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
07/08/2004 @ 04:59:01 PM
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That's nice. I guess I won't be going to Bret and Stephanie's wedding then. :) That sucks! I want a Mauer Power bobblehead!!!!!!! And why don't they just hit Jacque Jones over the head with a bat? No love whatsoever....geez
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - Who controls the past now controls the future
07/08/2004 @ 06:48:40 PM
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Well, the Bucks are finally involved in some offseason movement. They let Skinner go back to the 76ers. Probably a good idea because of what they're paying him. But he was pretty important to the Bucks last year and had his best season ever. Hopefully it was a fluke. I'm not sure what this means for the Bucks. They have about 5 real players on their roster now, and I don't know what Ford's condition is. Either it means they have their eye on a big man (Boozer is off the table, signed with Utah), they think Haislip is ready to start, or they think that Zaza guy is awesome.

The Packers took out the garbage today and traded Reynolds. The fact his he stunk so much that no one really cares about this move.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
07/08/2004 @ 09:03:01 PM
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Actually, I cared about this move. He sucks!!!! It was about time we got rid of this free loader.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
07/08/2004 @ 09:42:03 PM
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This Saturday at Miller Park, it's Gorman Thomas Bobblehead Day, and Saturday, August 14th, it's Jim Gantner Bobblehead Night, and guess who's going to both of 'em.
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2887.gificbizzle - Who controls the past now controls the future
07/08/2004 @ 10:01:23 PM
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Bobblehead nights should be reserved for players currently on the team. I'm awarding the Brewers loss tonight (if they lose) to Wes Helms for not only making two errors in a row, but also for doing so without the proper technique. If you're going to miss a grounder, get your fat ### in front of the ball and at least keep it in the infield. It's what you're taught from day one. He's also 0 for 3. And I've never really liked him. Looks more like a DH then a 3rd baseman (and a DH that's hitting .261 with 2 HRs at that). I was just looking at the Brewers batting stats, and to my suprise Grieve has the second best batting average of the regulars. I was optomistic when the Brewers picked him up. His power is down from his best years, but his average and obp are up. He'll probably never be an all-star, but he's still a pretty good hitter. The Brewers need some bats to get hot or they're going to fail. Obermueller is hitting .381, maybe he can play some 3rd base.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3875 Posts
07/09/2004 @ 12:58:14 AM
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When is Bill Wegman Bobblehead night?
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/09/2004 @ 12:44:46 PM
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I kinda feel bad for Helms, because from what I hear, he is one of the hardest workers on the team. Ben Grieve is getting better. His avg and obp is getting higher because he is getting more aggressive. He has always been accused of taking to many pitches, so a little touch of aggressiveness has helped him out. He still is a little shaky in right field. He won't necessarily make errors out there, but he is so slow and not very aggressive at all on defense. I think Podsednik and Jenkins are on the verge of getting hot. I hope anyway.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
07/09/2004 @ 12:58:18 PM
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Another short rant....

This morning on ESPN Talk Radio, Mike and Mike, they were discussing 1st half Cy Young Pitchers....Here are the names of the NL guys they came up with: Roger Clemens, Randy Johnson, Jason Schmidt, Tom Glavine. That's it. Ben Sheets right now is 2nd in the majors in Strikeouts and 1st in all of baseball in ERA. He has a better Record than Glavine, in fact, Sheets has better stats in every category except for homeruns allowed, (sheets has 10, glavine has 7). Also, sheets has better stats than Schmidt except for Record and hits. Schmidt has 28 more walks than Sheets. Clemens is mentioned simply because of who he is, and Johnson is pretty much the same. They both have good records and have high strikeout totals, but in my semi-biased, but consciencious opinion, Ben Sheets is the best pitcher in the National League, maybe all of baseball.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/09/2004 @ 06:26:53 PM
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No one gives BS his props!
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2887.gifrandom post by icbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/09/2004 @ 07:16:00 PM
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Well, it's Friday evening and I'm just sitting here drinking MGD, listening to my LAUNCHcast, and enjoying some enlightening Yahoo! Chat. And I just want to state for the record that A) I'm only on my second beer. B) There should be some sort of limit on the amount of "lol"'s that can be used in a given period of time. Serioulsy, every third comment is "lol". You know what I say to that? LOL.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
07/09/2004 @ 07:41:39 PM
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lol @ icbizzle
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/09/2004 @ 08:17:59 PM
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It seems the Bucks are prepared to make a move for Etan Thomas. Is that all the bettrer tehy dcak do? Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 3 beers now, I just took 3rd in a poker game, made 4 dollars. Better go eat something and wathc the brewers now.

ps spelling mistakes added for effect
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 08:44:56 AM
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Well, that sucked. I think I'll go down to the ballpark today and see if I can play a game or two for the Brewers because no one on the team seems to want to get hits.

The Heat seem prepared to make an offer for Shaq that the Lakers will take. Sounds like Odom, Grant, and a 1st round pick or Butler. Either way, it's a good deal for the Lakers. Grant isn't that good, but Odom is solid and Butler or a 1st round pick would be a good pick up as well. They would also move Shaq to the East. I'm not so sure it's a good deal for Miami though. I guess if the Bucks had the same players to offer I would want them to do it. But Shaq is at an age where almost every other Hall of Fame center started to fade away. Plus he's been injury prone. Ok, I just took a look at their roster. If they trade the three players, they will be down to 3 players that scored over 8 points a game last year, including Shaq. I don't think the Heat should do it.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 10:37:05 AM
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I can't believe no one else mentioned this yet, so I guess it's up to me. Sammy Sosa deserves to be an All-Star this year about as much left pinky finger does.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 12:14:26 PM
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Obermueller got sent down to the minors. I think he'll be back in the big show sometime, but he just wasn't getting the job done. He usually gave 4 good innings, but after that he got hammered pretty much all the time. He pitched a good game Thursday though. Then Helms had to blow it. If that hadn't happened Obbie probably gets through the 5th with the score 3-0 and who knows what happens then.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 02:31:56 PM
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The "Sponge" got himself in the Mag. I made this site in like 10 minutes a long time ago so don't laugh
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 03:05:54 PM
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"Pedro's departure was a non-issue with Kevin Millar.

'Starting pitchers, once they pitch,' Millar said, 'you're better off sending them home anyway because they're the non-athletes on the team.'"

Millar always has something to say. I wondering if this was an attempt at humor or a knock on Pedro.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 03:07:57 PM
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I don't know, but I think you need to leave 7 or 7 more comments in a 10 minute period.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
07/10/2004 @ 03:13:47 PM
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p.s. I was going to say 7 or 8 but accidentally typed 7 or 7 and thought that was funnier so I left it.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 04:57:12 PM
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Shaq has given his blessing to the Miami trade. The only question now is will Miami do it, and will the third piece by Butler or a first-round pick. They need to keep Butler for a third scoring option I think. It's still a bit of a risky trade, but they probably become the third favorite in the East after Detroit and Indiana, depending on what the Nets do, and I suppose on what the Knicks do. Does anyone know what Houston's status is?.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
07/10/2004 @ 06:12:28 PM
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Crappy-poo!! I forgot the Brewers aren't on tv today and tomorrow. Now I'll have to listen on the radio and play poker or something. After I eat my chicken. Don't go to KFC at 6 on a Saturday when they just mailed out coupons yesterday. Place was packed. I got myself an 8 piece meal with potatoes and coleslaw. I should be able to get at least two meals out of it. Does anyone out there have a HDTV or widescreen tv that would recommend or not recommend a particular brand or model?
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/10/2004 @ 07:45:54 PM
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It sounds like IT happened during the game tonight. Hopefully it's not too serious.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
07/10/2004 @ 11:15:04 PM
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Griffey getting hurt?
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
07/12/2004 @ 10:05:58 PM
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The Martinis have gone straight to their heads. The neighbors will probably call the cops.

Yes Griffey.

Tejada was impressive tonight.
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
07/12/2004 @ 11:30:15 PM
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forgot my name on that last one. my bad. i think the bizzle era has come to an end anyway. back to shawn carter the hustler cause icbizzle is dead. late.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/13/2004 @ 06:51:32 PM
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Packers rule
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/13/2004 @ 07:30:42 PM
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Now playing in Houston: The NL All Stars and the Yankees

Fox is succeeded in pleasing the New York fans, while alienating everyone else for the sake of ratings. I hate Fox Sports AND the Yankees.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
07/13/2004 @ 07:45:47 PM
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FOX baseball is the worst. I hate that guy and that chick. I don't even know their names that's how bad they are. At least the fans booed for all the Yankees. Did anyone else think the Taco Bell fan was going to choke on a relatively easy million dollars? He got it on what was probably his last throw, he might have got one more off. That would have been super lame. If this game never gets started I'm just going to watch the BET awards. Put Sheets in!!!!!!!
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
07/13/2004 @ 08:05:24 PM
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Wow. The Rocket just got launched. That must be why he went to the National League, so he could throw the game and give the Yankees homefield in the World Series. How's that for a conspiracy theory? Go NL!!
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
07/13/2004 @ 08:32:29 PM
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Kolb did his job. Too bad he doesn't get more strike outs. Then I could call him K-unit.

Is anything worse than watching Janet Jackson perform? I don't think she sang a single word, she was just dancing the whole time. You have to sing at least some of the words when you perform at an awards show. I mean Elephant Man could sing his part of the song. Although in all fairness I think Janet was already eating her hair the whole time without singing.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/13/2004 @ 08:32:39 PM
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Kolb pitched well. 1 inning, 1 H, 0 R, 0 ER, 0 BB....

The yankees won the all-star game last year and still lost the series.
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