Scott Podsednik

06/10/2004 4:54 pm
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Over on's Page 2, Eric Neel's baseball column has a poll to assign Scott Podsednik with a nickname.

I'm partial to "Potsy" myself because it's a nice tie-in to the fact that Happy Days was set in Milwaukee.
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/10/2004 @ 08:33:31 PM
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Speaking of baseball you should tell everyone about your adventure at the twins game.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/11/2004 @ 01:41:34 AM
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I can't believe "ScottyPo" isn't on that list. Or "ScoPo". Shame shame.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/13/2004 @ 01:48:57 PM
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The Brewers rock!! Coming from behind in 2 straight games, their hitting is finally coming around, and their pitching is as solid as ever. I was at friday's and saturday's games. Saturday was Scott Podsednik bobble head night. There were 40,000+ at the game. It was awesome. Go Brewers.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
06/13/2004 @ 06:31:57 PM
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The Brewers suck!! Striking out at least 5 times with the bases loaded, their hitting was terrible, and the defense wasn't good either. They stranded 13 runners, 10 of which were in scoring position. The second batter of the game got a home run because a non-home run ball bounced off of Grieve's glove and over the wall. Ginter misplayed at least three grounders, two of them in a row. If Overbay wasn't on the team, I don't think they'd win more than 20 games (15 of which would be pitched by Sheets).

On a lighter note, after the Brewers got the bases loaded with no outs in the 7th and then had Ginter, Grieve, and Moeller strike out, some guy about 8 rows in front of me (I was in the left field bleachers) turned around to some other guys and was going HA-HA in a really loud and obnoxius way. One of these gentlemen didn't appreciate the gesture, so he proceeded to throw (more like launch out of his plastic cup)his beer at the afore mentioned heckeling jerk. It cost the guy $5, (for the beer) but I think it was well worth it (after some scolding about "That wasn't called for" or some such form of the pot calling the kettle black, the guy shutup for the rest of the game). Go Brewers! and Pistons
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/13/2004 @ 09:26:43 PM
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The Brewers have some holes in their offense, and they can't seem to score runs when sheets pitches, but they still are finding ways to win games. If the Brewers could score just 4 runs per game that Sheets has pitched, he would be 13-0.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/14/2004 @ 12:37:18 AM
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The Twins never give Radke much help either.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
06/14/2004 @ 05:03:11 PM
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Free Justin Morneau
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matt.jpgMatt - 3875 Posts
06/14/2004 @ 05:04:07 PM
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And while we're at it.....Free Michael Cuddyer
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