fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/03/2004 @ 01:33:14 PM
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
06/03/2004 @ 02:25:45 PM
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Do you think any of those ladies stumbled across either of your "womenly" articles?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/03/2004 @ 09:33:17 PM
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No I don't think any of hem did anything but go there.

We've had like 550 hits today.

BTW I don't really think either of my articles are "anti women" per se
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
06/03/2004 @ 11:33:55 PM
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I don't like food anymore.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
06/04/2004 @ 01:32:09 PM
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I don't think they are either. I thought they were good. But I can see how people could take them the wrong way. Ooh the sweet smell of controversy.
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
06/05/2004 @ 02:13:16 PM
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Hey all

congrats on your article Matt

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2887.gificbizzle - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
06/06/2004 @ 01:43:09 PM
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Naughty Vikings
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/06/2004 @ 08:06:05 PM
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Morons, I doubt it's was as bad as it sounds, since the guy on the ground was apperently treated and released like 2 seconds later, but you gotta use your heads people. They were apperently defending a friend but there's a line.

Just as a rule of thumb, that we were oddly enough discussing on the way back from the Twins game when we didn't know about this, if it's bad news and Viking news then it's made to sound 100 times worse then it is.

The Strib sensationalises EVERYTHING and they feed the system that ESPN and such pick up. They tell 100% of the story as if a reporter was witness to the whole thing when they only know about 1% of what actually happened.

With the Randy Moss traffic cop thing somehow the Trib found the only witness that thought the situtation was anything at all. Every other witness said it was her fault or that it was just 2 stubborn people and no one was ever in danger. She was punished, it wasn't the first time she sat on a car, she was in the wrong and yet they found the one witness out of 30 that allowed them to write the story they wanted.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
06/06/2004 @ 09:38:51 PM
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Naughty Twins Too
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
06/06/2004 @ 11:26:00 PM
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I didn't go to the link, but i'm assuming you're talking about the air ventilation thing. It's been discussed before, and proved that it does not have an effect on anything. Plus, it's just a result of people exiting the Dome. Oh well, at least the Twins actually won a game. This has been a long long weekend. You'll hear (see) more about it when Jeremy blogs it. Too much road trip, too much Twins, too much Davanni's. (nah, that's not possible)
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
06/07/2004 @ 03:41:25 PM
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I can agree somewhat that Moss bad news is made to look worse than it is, but I think it's just whining to say that the Vikings as a team are made to look bad. I've never seen it. I could say the same thing about Packer news. A couple years ago, Najeh Davenport was accused of crapping in some girls dorm room closet (yeah, that's right, crapping), and there was kind of a blow up over it. Turned out that the girl made the story up and it never happened.

I think everyone's favorite team is made to worse when it's bad news.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/07/2004 @ 03:42:11 PM
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dang, it's 85 degrees out and I spend 10 hours on a mower.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
06/07/2004 @ 04:02:54 PM
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I didn't mean to imply that it was a Vikings only thing. I was mearly commenting on the fact that the trib, like other papers, finds out out little snippit of info and then fills in details on their own.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
06/07/2004 @ 04:12:59 PM
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"Turned out that the girl made the story up and it never happened."

Where did you hear that? I don't think it was ever disputed.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
06/08/2004 @ 09:17:02 AM
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Ah, I see. I missread it then.

I'm pretty sure that the charges on Davenport were dropped, but maybe I just made that up. It sounds pretty cool I guess, anyway.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
06/08/2004 @ 06:35:17 PM
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A link has also been placed on 2 other message boards for pregnant women. They must love their pudding pops.

ps Alex, you made me by Battlefield 1942 and then you never get on AIM. What's the deal with that?
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
06/09/2004 @ 08:18:26 AM
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Stupid Brewers.......

Ben Sheets tossed 6 2/3 innings of perfect ball yesterday in Anaheim only to have Vlad G. break it up with a shoe-top seeing eye single in the seventh inning. Sheets only allowed that one hit, but the Brewers could not get him the win. They finally won in the 17th inning, after setting a major league record with 26 strikeouts set by the Angels in 1971. Geoff Jenkins set a major league record by striking out 6 times. I really can't remember a time in recent Brewer history that it has been their PITCHING that has been bailing them out. But they are still over .500, so they are still overachieving, but they could be doing a lot better.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
06/09/2004 @ 06:28:17 PM
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I hate the Lakers even more after last night.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/09/2004 @ 06:58:14 PM
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I hate the lakers more than I like other teams.

Plus, will anyone care that GP and Malone won championships this way.

First off all it's so lame that people say you're not great til you win a championship. It's a team sport.

Secondly, especially with Malone, doesn't it do more to hurt you then help you in the eye's of all your true fans to be loyal to a team for so long and then finish your career elsewhere to get a cheap ring?
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
06/09/2004 @ 11:26:20 PM
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Malone and Payton are sellouts (especially Malone, Payton already had gotten the boot from Seattle so where else was he going to go).

I was looking through current MLB team batting statistics, and I came to the conclusion that the Brewers really suck. They are in the bottom five of most the important categories. They've struck out the second most times and have the second to worst batting average. Only one regular player has an average over .260. It's amazing that their record is as good as it is.

Also, has anyone else noticed that players brought into Milwaukee who have had past success usually blow, but then we they go to different teams later they are magically good again? Marquis Grissom, Royce Clayton is having a good year, Ron Belliard, Alex Sanchez is hitting .351. Are they just better cause they are in better overall lineups or what? It's almost like they try to be bad so the Brewers will let them go, although if they were good they would be let go anyway cause the Brewers can't afford them. That would be too much work though, much easier to just play crappy.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/10/2004 @ 03:32:47 PM
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For the record, Alex Sanchez was good with the Brewers. He was among the league leaders in stolen bases and had an average above .300. The Brewers got rid of him not because he wasn't good, but because he was a head case and ornery. I thought belliard was pretty solid, and he is now finally coming into his own, so that could explain that. Marquis Grissom is a freak case. He is the kind of guy that could get overpowered by a bad pitcher and then when you least expect it he would hit a homerun off of like Randy Johnson or someone like that. But anyway. If they can get their offense going they could be set. Their pitching is definitely solid as a rock right now.
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