
05/19/2004 5:35 pm
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Is anyone else concerned that Green Bay is trying to sign a big name to back up Favre? Even for this year? It's like they know Favre's going down this year. I know he is going to retire eventually, but why all of a sudden are we frantically trying to get a back up? Have we ever needed a back up before? Aren't Pederson and Nall good enough to warm the bench? Is this a bad omen? I need answers! They tried to hook up with Collins and are still trying to get Couch. Why pay someone huge amounts of money to sit on the bench? Can't we just wait til Favre retires? (gulp) It just seems weird.
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
05/19/2004 @ 07:03:19 PM
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All I can say is I would do cartwheels down the street if Couch or Collins was Favre's replacement. To get a Favre type (a pure "throwing" QB vs a Vick/McNabb/Culpepper/Garcia) except not in Favre's league would excite me very much. The only thing that scares me about Favre's retirement is the Packer's getting the "dual threat" QB.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
05/19/2004 @ 07:04:37 PM
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ps Yes I did add Garcia after the fact so people didn't read into what I was saying as a black/white issue.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/19/2004 @ 11:15:06 PM
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Collins is not a good replacement. He has not proven that he can win in this league, and he has had way to many character issues to handle. On the other hand, Tim Couch is still fairly young, and talented, and would be an adequate replacement for when Favre retires. What they do need to do now, though, is start molding a QB to replace Favre when he retires. I think I would still like a pure "throwing" QB, simply because the Vick/McNabb/Culpepper/Garcia's of the league have not proven that they can win, or stay healthy for that matter.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - We can do this easy, or we can do it real easy
05/19/2004 @ 11:58:43 PM
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I think they should sign Ryan Leaf
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
05/20/2004 @ 03:06:01 AM
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All I meant was the only possible "upgrade" from Favre is if you got a "dual treat" kind of guy.

I don't know what you base the fact that they havent proven they can win. Vick is a one man team. McNabb has gotten his team to the championship game 3 years running. Football is probobly the sport least likely to have one guy dominate a game and yet the dual threat QB's do it quite often.

Favre gets hurt all the time too, he just never comes out because him hurt is still better than your backup, maybe that's why they want a legit backup.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
05/20/2004 @ 11:56:12 AM
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First of all, they aren't going to give someone huge amounts of money to sit on the bench, otherwise Couch would have been a Packer three weeks ago. Secondly, I think I have as much athletic ability as Pederson. Thirdly, it's not like the Packers have been making desperate attempts to sign someone. You should always try to make your team better if you can, and thats all their trying to do. They haven't caved to Couch's demands, their apparently wasn't much of an offer to Collins cause he canceled his visit, so I'm not worried at all. Farve could get in a car accident or something and then they'd have to put Pederson in. That worries me a lot more than the Packers trying to sign a decent backup. It is way to early to start grooming Farve's successor, but it wouldn't hurt to another QB. Also, I agree with Jeremy's comments on this issue.
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2887.gificbizzle - Refactor Mercilessly
05/20/2004 @ 11:57:19 AM
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A threeee pointer with the shot clock running down? KG for president!
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
05/21/2004 @ 02:14:47 AM
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Vick also missed all of last season because of his style of quarterbacking. And Vick has proved absolutely NOTHING about what a running QB can do. Just the fact that he is being called one of the greatest athletes today is a joke, considering the amount of time he has actually been on the field and not hurt. He's a good athlete, and probably will be a great player, but he has not done anything yet. McNabb got the the championship 3 times. No other team has EVER done that and NOT gone to the Super Bowl. That to me is not a good stat. He also got hurt for a good portion of the season 2 years ago. And the other dual threat style QB that has made a name for himself, Culpepper, hasn't won much yet, and he has the best athlete in the league catching balls for him. Until one of these QBs can win a Super Bowl (or at least get to the Super Bowl), they still are just a work in progress. I mean, Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl (granted he had a defense).
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/21/2004 @ 02:17:40 AM
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Lakers will beat the T-wolves........and i care very little about either team.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
05/21/2004 @ 09:48:20 AM
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Vick has not had a Hall of Fame career yet (he's only been in the league for two years) but you can't say he hasn't done anything. The Falcons were 2-10 without him last year and 3-1 with him. The year before that he beat Green Bay in Green Bay in the playoffs. Football is not a sport where one guy takes over a game very often, but if anyone can do it is Vick. Just because a guy gets hurt doesn't mean he's not a good athlete, especially in football. It's not like he is injury prone, although running a lot may make him more susceptible to injury. I'm sure his coaches will drill it into his head that he can run all he wants but he has to be careful about taking hits. Also, your point of mentioning that Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl proves what? Oh wait I know, it proves that QB's don't win Super Bowls, making your previous comments that infer that McNabb was the main reason the Eagles have lost three NFC championship games invalid. Defense wins Super Bowls, QB's can only lose Super Bowls.

As for Randy Moss being the best athlete in the league, what exactly is your critirion for that? I would be willing to bet that TO has similar speed, can lift more, and could probably beat the crap out of Moss. (Also, I'm not an Eagles fan but now that McNabb has someone who actually deserves to be called a wide receiver (unlike the rest of the bums on that team) they have to be the favorite to win the NFC).

Furthermore, the Lakers will not beat the T-Wolves. Wolves in 5.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
05/21/2004 @ 05:19:59 PM
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Softball Anyone?
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
05/21/2004 @ 05:29:27 PM
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This is good stuff, courtesy of Bill Simmons:

It's too bad you could never coordinate this with 40,000 people, but the next time Barry Bonds comes up, if everyone at SBC Park cheered all at once, and then someone in the right-field stands threw a ball into the bay so all those losers in the boats would dive in for the ball ... and then this happened like five or six times ... I mean, that would be kinda fun, right?

Can't you see Mark Cuban walking around the Mavs locker room after a game, asking different guys, "So, where are we going tonight?" and everyone hems and haws, and then Michael Finley finally says, "Um, I don't think we're going out, we're all pretty tired," and then Cuban says, "Well, if you change your mind, will you call me on my cell," and then Antoine Walker nods and says, "Yeah, we'll definitely call you," so Cuban says, "Cool" and leaves ... and then everyone cracks up when he leaves the room? This happens, right? Right?
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
05/22/2004 @ 02:21:36 AM
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I didn't say that McNabb was the reason for the eagles losing the games at all. But, the argument that QB's can't win Championships for you is debateable. Even Favre in 96, the year the Packers won, had the leagues best defense behind him. And the dilfer thing was just a side thought that came up in the back of my head. As for Moss......I am not a Viking fan, I'm a Packer fan. I don't particularly like Moss, nor do I like TO. But, TO has not put up the numbers that Moss has over the past couple of years, and both players have good QB's throwing them the ball. I think Moss is a better reciever. The definition of "athlete" is probably the real question I guess.

Who was a better "athlete", Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan? Or is it better to ask who was better at their sport? Is Tiger Woods a great athlete? Where does Lance Armstrong fit in this category? And what about Barry Bonds? The point this rambling has I guess is what is the definition of "athlete"?
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
05/22/2004 @ 09:12:03 AM
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Everyone needs to watch the movie Miracle. It is easily one of, if not THE greatest sports movie ever made in terms of importance of the event, realistics of the sports action scenes, and everything else pretty much. I would recommend it.
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