Funny Comment on the Viking Board

05/17/2004 7:38 pm
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"We need two people on Wednesday night [T-Wolves game 7] to bring big posters of hot women in bikinis and sit behind the goals. That way, Christie won't be able to shoot because his wife won't let him look in the direction of the goals. Any volunteers?"
scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
05/18/2004 @ 09:36:20 AM
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Things are looking like they are for real

According to someone, the last time the Brewers had back-to-back players of the week was when Robin Yount and Jim Ganter one it back in 1982, and we all know what happened that year.
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2887.gificbizzle - Refactor Mercilessly
05/18/2004 @ 09:59:44 AM
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does anyone want to go to game 7?
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
05/18/2004 @ 01:21:10 PM
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A Twins game? Sure. :) We were planning on going to the Brewers/Twins games in June at Miller Park, but a lot of stuff has come up and now we're not sure. I still want to go though.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
05/18/2004 @ 02:37:03 PM
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"It's Game 7, man. That's it. It's for all the marbles," Garnett said. "Sitting in the house, I'm loadin' up the pump. I'm loadin' up the Uzi. I got a couple M-16s, a couple 9s. I got a couple joints with some silencers on them. I'm just loading clips, a couple grenades. I got a missile launcher with a couple of missiles. I'm ready for war."

"Sam has been here before," Garnett said. "We'll be ready come game time, best believe that."

I'm willing to predict an instant classic for this game. This is KG's big chance to come through in the clutch and get everyone off his back. He'll need lots of help from Spree, but he needs to be the man.
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
05/18/2004 @ 04:23:46 PM
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I was just going to create a new blog entry about Kevin Garnett's comments, but then I saw "icbizzle"'s remark. Is anyone offended by them? ESPN had a "sound off" about how people felt about the comments. I don't know how I feel about them. I am not even relating them to the whole Iraqi war or anything, it just seems too violent of a statement even by itself. I think he's better than that. He better have the actions to back up his words otherwise, he's going to look stupid.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
05/18/2004 @ 04:55:15 PM
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I agree that he better back up his words, but I can't believe that we make such a big deal about the things that athletes say. I say stupid things all day long and no one sits and argues about what I say. People who sit around for hours writing articles and having call-in shows and such about three sentences that some NBA player said really have way too much time on their hands.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
05/19/2004 @ 12:28:17 AM
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I don't think the comments were "offensive." That word is used too often and out of context anyway. I think what he said was dumb, and I think what Sam Cassel said after words was even dumber. Cassel basically said something along the lines of "everyone who's watched sports know's what he's talking about. Pro wrestling uses the term all the time. This is war." In light of the people are actually AT WAR, sports no longer can hold a candle to that comparison. I think if nothing else, the comments were insensitive. It was not a good analogy to make.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
05/19/2004 @ 12:28:55 AM
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Anyone see Randy Johnson's perfect game? or at least the end of it. It was pretty sweet.
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2887.gificbizzle - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
05/19/2004 @ 02:47:44 PM
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That perfect game was amazing. With stars being able to produce at older and older ages a lot of career records will be in jeopardy.

As exciting as that was this is what it's all about.
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