NFL Performance Pay

03/16/2004 7:47 pm
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The NFL and NFLPA created a program where players who make a disproportionate amount of money to the amount they played get a bonus. For example Brian Russell led the league in interceptions and was on the field for every defensive snap. Since he makes the veteran minimum (less than most 3rd string safeties) he was thus given 100 some thousand, more than any other player.

Apparently however this money is actually given to the teams to divide as they see fit.

So in case you're wondering yes Brett Favre and Joe Johnson both apparently played a disproportionate amount of time compared to their salary. I repeat, one of the highest paid quarterbacks ever and a guy who was considered a colossal bust (because he was paid a FORTUNE to NOT play) qualify.

Apparently the Packers thought rather than reward players that the program was intended to reward they would just give the entire roster a cut.
scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
03/16/2004 @ 07:56:32 PM
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Didn't every team get the same amount to start though? $1 Million?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
03/16/2004 @ 08:00:23 PM
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I think so, why does that matter?
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
03/16/2004 @ 08:12:03 PM
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I'm not sure. And I really don't think that someone making as much as Favre needs to be compensated for anything, for the same reason why I don't think that those citizens making $300,000 a year should get a bigger tax cut than those making $25,000. I mean seriously, Bill Gates could pay income taxes of 70% and still would make more than anyone in the world.


"Apparently the Packers thought rather than reward players that the program was intended to reward they would just give the entire roster a cut."

I'm just curious what you meant by this? There is a formula to the method of giving out the compensation, and from what I read the Packers did it the way they were supposed to.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
03/16/2004 @ 09:10:25 PM
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There is a forumla I guess. That's really stupid. Why have the program if it doesn't help who it's intended to help? It would be like having a welfare system where instead of giving to the poor people everyone just got a check.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
03/16/2004 @ 09:31:35 PM
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I noticed that other teams haven't yet posted their list of players who recieved performance based pay, but I can imagine that other high paid players will get "compensation" as well. It seems pretty odd to me too.
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2887.gificbizzle - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
03/16/2004 @ 10:56:11 PM
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who cares
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
03/16/2004 @ 10:59:16 PM
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The Packers did nothing wrong. Basically every Packer player got some of the money, even those who played like 5 games. Stupid ass Johnson. Seriously, I think he's the biggest bust in the history of the NFL. They followed the equation and everyone got what they had coming to them. Craig Nall got $181. Awesome. Favre got $3000 some. Marques Anderson got over $50,000. He didn't perform as well as Favre. So there. Also, I think when you see everyone else's list, you will see all the stars getting some of the money. It's not your money, so deal. :)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
03/17/2004 @ 09:25:56 AM
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It has nothing to do with how who played better than who.

ESPN made it sound like only a select few from other teams got it. In fact they said some teams had only 3 people that got it.

Then a few days later they updated the article (after I read it) to explain that everyone who plays even one snap is figured in.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
03/17/2004 @ 03:07:43 PM
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I think Ryan Leaf is the biggest bust ever. And quality of play doesn't factor in to the equation at all. It's basically number of snaps divided by pay. so someone making $650,000 who plays in the same number of snaps as someone making $6,000,000 will get a bigger compensation.

I also think the reason that Jeremy pointed out Favre was because as far as I can find, no other team as published their list of compensated players, so it might have seemed weird that a highly paid player qualified for compensation, not being able to compare to other high paid players who also got cash. I could be wrong though.
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