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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 01/30/2008 @ 3:30:26 PM
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Edwards drops out of race; Giuliani 81.818182% sure he's going to as well.

Seriously though, what was Giuliani thinking with his "wait until Florida" plan?
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flower .jpgPackOne - The Harvard comma's #1 fan.
01/30/2008 @ 04:59:25 PM
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Edwards out and no sooner said than Nader forms an exploratory committee.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/30/2008 @ 05:40:37 PM
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By the way, the percentage joke was shamelessly ripped off from Fark.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
01/30/2008 @ 07:26:30 PM
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The Giuliani plan could've worked had he won Florida. So the question becomes, why did Giuliani think he could win Florida?

Edwards never had a chance. Is he a viable candidate for VP now?
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
01/30/2008 @ 09:06:03 PM
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Alex Wrote - 01/30/2008 @ 07:26:30 PM
Edwards never had a chance. Is he a viable candidate for VP now?

I don't think so. That's just my opinion though. I think either candidate would do better by bringing someone new into the picture.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - A Vote for me is a Vote against Terrorism! ...or atleast just wasted.
01/30/2008 @ 09:50:23 PM
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I won't miss either candidate. Not that I have a champion that I'm rooting for, it just wouldn't ever have been either of them.
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Carlos44ec messed with this at 01/31/2008 8:20:38 am
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
01/30/2008 @ 11:31:59 PM
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Carlos44ec Wrote - 01/30/2008 @ 09:50:23 PM
I won't miss either candidate. Not that I have a chamion that I'm rooting for, it just wouldn't ever have been either of them.

uuuh ah uh uh....I'm the next President of the United Angels of Typesetting.
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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 01/30/2008 11:43:16 pm
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
01/31/2008 @ 05:13:31 AM
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Alex Wrote - 01/30/2008 @ 07:26:30 PM
So the question becomes, why did Giuliani think he could win Florida?

Well it was obviously a gamble, but once he knew that he wasn't going to win the early states I guess he thought his time/money would be better spent in Florida. It could have worked too, but once McCain recovered and won in NH (and was able to keep the momentum), Rudy was in trouble since they both would appeal to the moderates and national defense groups. If Romney had won NH and it was more of a Romney/Huckabee fight instead of a Romney/McCain fight, then I think that Giuliani would have had a better chance.

In hindsight, it may have been better for Giuliani to campaign harder in the early states (even if he wasn't going to do well) in order to at least stay in the picture so people wouldn't "forget" about him. Of course, if you spend time and money in a state and still finish a distant fourth or fifth, then you open yourself up to negative stories and a "loser" image, which might have done him in as well.
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